What should be done about Frequently Asked (and answered) Questions?

How would you like this community to evolve, keeping in mind that the audience is only likely to grow and based on the influx of new blood - mine included - to be with less experience in local manufacturing than the early-early adopters.

The background to this post lies in having participated in this forum since the end of August. I’ve set my account to forward posts from everything to my email, so I’ve seen most of what’s happened (subject to the 100 emails a day limit), all in all, across about 1000 threads, over 6800 emails, about 66 emails a day on average.

As the SM gets more popular, the activity on this forum is increasing, which from a community perspective is excellent.

Unfortunately the side-effect is that an increasing amount of traffic is rehashing information that’s already been asked, dissected, opinionated, answered and resolved.

For some people searching the forum leads them to an answer, for many others it does not. This is likely to get worse as traffic increases.

There is an attempt at classifying messages by breaking them into Categories, but in my experience, this is not sufficient.

I toyed with the idea of constructing a community editable FAQ document in Google Docs, or a Wiki in Google Sites, or a Wiki in GitHub, but none of those seem to be scalable or leverage the community information that is embodied by this forum.

We could as a community start tagging posts, but I’m not sure if that will lead to success or more chaos.

What would you like to see and what do you suggest or have experience with that might be relevant here?

Look forward to seeing your comments.


1 Like

I was thinking about something similar earlier - a newbie guide with must have printable upgrades and must do calibration techniques

I can link you to an A350 calibration guide put together by a member of this community: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pgS8wokEOLUAfPcwFLj6HwCRgdo4pLDsS59WxE6pAi4/edit

I was thinking more like promoting linear advance, extruder calibration, filament guide, spool holder, fan mods and the like

kind of like hey you’ve been playing with your printer a bit and are getting a bit comfortable, heres some suggestions to enhance your experience

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A big issue for new users is coming on a forum asking a question and getting a link to a support page. It’s disenchanting and impersonal.

There’s no way around rehashing that doesn’t involve strict moderation and alienating new users.

I don’t think it’s an issue, and continuing on the current path I believe will cultivate more users invested in the forum, and those who have a positive experience will choose to contribute and offer solutions to new users.

As an example of a community this should not become I’ll mention StackOverflow.
Closed, solved in [unrelated thread]

Tone started both a wiki and an FAQ thread, if those are out of date how about we update those?


Interesting, just opened the Wiki post and it appears that I have edit permissions. Not sure how universal that is, but that will help.

I wonder if there is merit in creating a pinned post like that for each recurring topic and then growing that over time. No doubt it will attract replies, but I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing.

Regulars can create wiki posts that everyone can edit. I think pinning requires staff, so that will probably never happen lol

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If the @staff isn’t going to have an active presence on here they need to allow some owners to be moderators. There are several topics that should be pinned. Or at least there should be one topic that’s a place to start with links to several of the main threads like “extruder calibration a must” and “printing with tpu”.

It’s always a balance dealing with new users. I try to be friendly with those who are obviously new, but I have no trouble telling someone “the search function is your friend” when they ask a question that has just been asked or they obviously haven’t even tried to search. If you’re too lazy to do a little of your own work this isn’t the machine for you anyway. Fortunately this hasn’t been too much of a problem on here, but it has increased a little recently.



BTW, this topic should probably be changed.
If I saw it as a noob I’d assume it was where I should start instead of being a discussion of how to go about having what the title is.

EDIT: since I can I did


It would be nice to have a variety of solutions to common questions grouped under various topics. Like “my bed is rattling is that normal”, “why are my prints so thin and brittle”, and some of the other common ones.

But on the other hand, staff already has an FAQ on their website, that’s clearly getting updated because I went to send someone the link to the linear module FAQ and there’s a new set of FAQs there, the old ones were pruned.

The root cause is staff disinterest in participating. This could be avoided with even an ounce of participation.

Some community moderators would be a start.

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Had a first crack at reformatting the wiki, I don’t love it, but it’s not completely hideous anymore.

It’s a lot better, but there’s just too much there.
A lot of info on accessories and things to make and modifications that most people would never need or care about. I don’t need a tool storage seat and some stuff like printing threads or painting with oil pens should be somewhere else - more advanced topics once you have the basics.
Ideally it would have a general section about the machine (stuff that pertains to all 3 functions). And then 3 sections, one for each head/bed combo.


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Things to make

| Added By | Description | External Resource |
| — | — | — |
| CthulhuLabs | Accessory mount | thingiverse.com |
| Leonardo | Battery Boxes | thingiverse.com |
| CthulhuLabs | Bit Fan | thingiverse.com |
| jstncrft | Chess Puzzle Board | thingiverse.com |
| freeman | Easy Clamp for Snapmaker | myminifactory.com |
| hank | Cookie Cutters | thingiverse.com |
| TheBum | CNC Dust Fence | thingiverse.com |
| Tone | Dial Indicator Mount - SM2 | thingiverse.com |
| doug | Dust Cover | thingiverse.com |
| Ardjan | Filament Spool & Tool Holder | thingiverse.com |
| jstncrft | Filament Spool Adapter | thingiverse.com |
| by Waldo | Honeycomb Buzzle easy puzzle to print on SnapMaker | myminifactory.com |
| Darren | LEGO mount | thingiverse.com |
| kelvin8r | Minimal Spool Guide | thingiverse.com |
| CthulhuLabs | Part Cooler Shroud | thingiverse.com |
| | [Part Cooler Shroud 2 - Fractalengineer] | thingiverse.com |
| Tone | Part Cooling Shroud 3 | thingiverse.com |
| kelvin8r | Pi Camera Mount | thingiverse.com |
| doug | R2D2 Egg Cup | thingiverse.com |
| doug | Rotary Adapter | thingiverse.com |
| Leonardo | SnapBox | thingiverse.com |
| Thingiverse Creater, royaljelly, waldo | [Snapmaker Accessories Storage Box] | thingiverse.com |
| doug | Temperature Tower - Better | thingiverse.com |
| lman | Tool Storage seat | aws1.discourse-cdn.com |
| kelvin8r | Tool Storage 2 Z top | thingiverse.com |
| jstncrft | Universal Brackets | thingiverse.com |
| Rick | Vibration Dampers | thingiverse.com |
| Various | [A broad collection of projects for the Snapmaker at Thingiverse] | thingiverse.com |

|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	doug	|	[2D Chinese Dragon](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/official-ready-to-try-for-cnc/360)	|	[aws1.discourse-cdn.com](https://us1.discourse-cdn.com/flex022/uploads/snapmaker/original/1X/4775fe32df496ac9d3baaf4d9f04066346a59497.nc)	|	
|	George Guy	|	[Feeds & Speeds for Wood]	|	[cnccookbook.com](https://www.cnccookbook.com/feeds-speeds-wood/)	|	
|	Doug Parsons	|	[Plastic Cutting CNC Router Bits]	|	[amanatool.com](https://www.amanatool.com/products/cnc-router-bits/plastic-cutting-cnc-router-bits.html)	|	
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	Jihun	|	[Easy Clamp for Snapmaker](https://www.facebook.com/groups/snapmaker/permalink/597732693978381/)	|	[myminifactory.com](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-easy-clamp-for-snapmaker-79963)	|	
|	doug	|	[Multi Color **Filament Mixer**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/new-module-ideas/181/39?u=tone)	|	[mosaicmanufacturing.com](https://www.mosaicmanufacturing.com/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Multi Color **Filament Mixer**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/new-module-ideas/181/39?u=tone)	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp_Ly6K8JDc)	|	
|	daemionfox	|	[Multi Color **Print Head**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/new-module-ideas/181/39?u=tone)	|	[newatlas.com](https://newatlas.com/diamondhotend-color-3d-printer-extruder/36950/)	|	
|	daemionfox	|	[Multi Color **Print Head**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/new-module-ideas/181/39?u=tone)	|	[reprap.me](https://www.reprap.me/diamond-hotend.html)	|	
|	kelvin8r	|	[**OctoPi**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/octopi-for-the-snapmaker/1523/2?u=tone)	|	[octoprint.org](https://octoprint.org/download/)	|	
|	kelvin8r	|	[**OctoPi** - OctoPrint Forum]	|	[discourse.octoprint.org](https://discourse.octoprint.org/)	|	
|	kelvin8r	|	[**OctoPi** - OctoPrint Docs]	|	[docs.octoprint.org](http://docs.octoprint.org/en/master/)	|	
|	Tone	|	[Nickle Plated Nozzle](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/changing-the-mk10-nozzle/3174/2?u=tone)	|	[amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/Micro-Swiss-HW-NOZ-MK8-04-Resistant-Nozzles-Makerbot/dp/B01BDL4MXA)	|	
|		|	[Touchup Tool]	|	[amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HK4RGZU)	|	
|		|	[Touchup Tool Lower Cost]	|	[amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075RSJ463)	|	
Things to make
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	Tone	|	[Free Block Drawing Program]	|	[app.diagrams.net](https://app.diagrams.net/)	|	
|	Tone	|	[Free Block Drawing Program]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0qxOIP05tw)	|	
|	doug	|	[FreeCAD Manual:Preparing models for 3D printing - an interesting read, especially on converting to Meshes]	|	[freecadweb.org](https://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/Manual:Preparing_models_for_3D_printing)	|	
Things to make
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	xchrisd	|	[3d Print Guide_Walk Through](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/3d-print-guide-walk-through/5945)	|		|	
|	Jameracho	|	[A350 3D Printing Bed Calibration Guide](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/a350-3d-printing-bed-calibration-guide/12019)	|	[Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pgS8wokEOLUAfPcwFLj6HwCRgdo4pLDsS59WxE6pAi4/edit?usp=sharing)	|	
|	doug	|	[Cura Tutorial]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/1/cura-tutorial-software-slicer-cura-3d/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Best Glues, Epoxies, and Plastic Welds for 3D Printing - Part 1]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZWOUpx2UDk)	|	
|	doug	|	[Getting started with Fusion 360 - a good video to start learning from]	|	[autodesk.com](https://www.autodesk.com/campaigns/fusion-360-learning/webinar-gettingstarted)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 1]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5bc9c3S12g)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 2]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXRMzJWo0-Q)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 3]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS8dYA_Iluc)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - Foundation Concepts - A series of great short video's]	|	[help.autodesk.com](http://help.autodesk.com/view/fusion360/ENU/)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - How to create embossed text]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrVUoln1t7s)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Fusion 360** - Split Face & Split Body]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaUnhBef_Ac)	|	
|	doug	|	[How To - Avoid clogs with PLA Composites and all-metal hotends]	|	[proto-pasta.com](https://www.proto-pasta.com/blogs/how-to)	|	
|	doug	|	[How to Smooth PLA 3D Prints]	|	[instructables.com](http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Smooth-PLA-3D-Prints/)	|	
|	doug	|	[How to Anneal Your 3d Prints for Strength]	|	[rigid.ink](https://rigid.ink/blogs/news/how-to-anneal-your-3d-prints-for-strength)	|	
|	doug	|	[How to find the perfect temperature for your 3D prints!]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPumsgvBt00)	|	
|	doug	|	[Painting with Oil Based Pens](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/painting-pla-plastic/1775/3?u=tone)	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5yuI-W8Phg)	|	
|	Tone	|	[Printing with Nylon]	|	[matterhackers.com](https://www.matterhackers.com/articles/printing-with-nylon)	|	
|	doug	|	[Working with PLA Filament](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/not-all-filaments-are-the-same/1755/6?u=tone)	|	[rigid.ink](https://rigid.ink/blogs/news/3d-printing-basics-how-to-get-the-best-results-with-pla-filament)	|	
|	doug	|	[The Ultimate Guide to 3D Printed Text]	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:383163)	|	
|	doug	|	[The Ultimate Guide to 3D Printed Text]	|	[xometry.com](https://www.xometry.com/blog/ultimate-guide-to-3d-printed-text)	|	
|	doug	|	[THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO 3D PRINTING]	|	[beginnersguide.io3dp.com](https://beginnersguide.io3dp.com/)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printing Tech Tips: Infill Percentage and Pattern Explained]	|	[3dplatform.com](https://3dplatform.com/3d-printing-tech-tips-infill-percentage-and-pattern-explained/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Temperature Towers - FINDING THE PERFECT TEMP FOR ANY FILAMENT](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/not-all-filaments-are-the-same/1755/18?u=tone)	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cAn76f4N7U)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Simplify3D** - Improved 3D Printing Success!]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD0sVyc9Guw)	|	
|	doug	|	[Picking a 3D printer nozzle and installing it!]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDq1Du9gaWM)	|	
|	doug	|	[**Simplify3D** - Different Settings for Different Regions of a Model]	|	[simplify3d.com](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/articles/different-settings-for-different-regions-of-a-model/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Over-Extrusion – Tips and Tricks to Solve It]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/over-extrusion-3d-printing-tips-and-tricks-to-solve-it/)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printing 101: How To Fix a Clogged Nozzle Using a Cold Pull! - Suggested by James Bricknell]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGt8cnVIKW8)	|	
|	doug	|	[Annealing PLA Prints for Strength – 2 Easy Ways]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/annealing-pla-prints-for-strength-easy-ways/)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printer Bed Adhesion – All You Need To Know]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/3d-printer-bed-adhesion-all-you-need-to-know/)	|	
|	doug	|	[How to Set Up OctoPrint on Raspberry Pi 3 B+ – 3 Easy Steps]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/how-to-set-up-octoprint-on-raspberry-pi-3-b-easy-steps)	|	
|	Doug Parsons	|	[**TinkerCAD** - YouTube Channel]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4suyHp0sDoAWKmJSjR65VA/videos)	|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[How to Use the Laser Engraving Feature?]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PSXRho7UV8)	|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[How to Use the CNC Feature?]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BKMsWtjOPY)	|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Remove Blob](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018957634-How-to-remove-a-blob-of-filament-on-the-hot-end-)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Laser settings for different materials](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019025954-The-Definitive-Guide-to-Laser-Engraving-and-Cutting-with-the-Snapmaker)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Cleaning the Linear Module](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017733294-Cleaning-the-Linear-Module)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Leveling the Heated Bed](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015529534-3D-Printing-Leveling-the-Heated-Bed)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[What should I do if the filament is broken in the 3D Printing Module?](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018642814-What-should-I-do-if-the-filament-is-broken-in-the-3D-Printing-Module-)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[What should I do if the first layer does not stick to the heated bed?](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013696613-What-should-I-do-if-the-first-layer-does-not-stick-to-the-heated-bed-)	|		|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[What should I do if the laser engraving module cannot work anymore?](https://snapmaker.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019056053-What-should-I-do-if-the-laser-engraving-module-cannot-work-anymore-)	|		|	
|	doug	|	[The Best Way to 3D Print Threads; Nuts, and Bolts]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL6ppA-c5vQ)	|	
|	doug	|	[Step-by-step easy guide: designing and 3D printing threads]	|	[sculpteo.com](https://www.sculpteo.com/blog/2018/10/31/step-by-step-easy-guide-designing-and-3d-printing-threads/)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printing Threads and Screws – A Simple Guide]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/3d-printing-threads-and-screws-all-you-need-to-know/)	|	
|	Edwin	|	[SnapMaker Original Repair Tutorial](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/fyi-repair-tutorial-for-snapmaker-original/5950)	|		|	
Things to make
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Announcement](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snapmaker-luban-is-open-source-now-on-github/5601?u=tone)	|	[github.com](https://github.com/Snapmaker/Luban)	|	
|	Tone	|	[**G-code** Wiki]	|	[reprap.org](http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code)	|	
|	Tone	|	[**G-code** Wiki]	|	[marlinfw.org](http://marlinfw.org/meta/gcode/)	|	
|	Tone	|	[Releases - The most current Luban]	|	[github.com](https://github.com/Snapmaker/Luban/releases)	|	
|	Snapmaker	|	[Snapmaker G-code Google Docs Reference (incomplete)]	|	[docs.google.com](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qDBZTEdHPO59p7PcCulKvBOAjFI-U3O2RyzXJf3Rx6Q/edit#gid=0)	|	
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	Troubleshooting	|	rojaljelly	|	[Troubleshooting]	|	[aprintapro.com](https://www.aprintapro.com/printaguide/#troubleshootingrow)	|	
Things to make
|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
|	Tone	|	[36 Colors PLA - 16' each - Includes 6 Glow in the dark]	|	[amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073NLZNX3)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printer Nozzle Comparison Guide]	|	[matterhackers.com](https://www.matterhackers.com/news/3d-printer-nozzle-comparison-guide)	|	
|	jstncrft	|	[Filament Tube](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/filament-tube-it-helps-also-filament-guide/365?u=tone)	|	[amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7SMLAM/ref=dp_prsubs_1)	|	
|	doug	|	[ABS Bed Adhesion Tips & Tricks]	|	[matterhackers.com](https://www.matterhackers.com/articles/printing-tips-&-tricks:-abs-bed-adhesion)	|	
|	rojaljelly	|	[Filament Properties Table]	|	[simplify3d.com](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/materials-guide/properties-table/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Free 'Beginner's Guide to 3D Printing']	|	[i.materialise.com](https://i.materialise.com/blog/beginners-guide-download)	|	
|	doug	|	[Complete 3D Printing Filament Comparison Guide - 2018]	|	[rigid.ink](https://rigid.ink/pages/filament-comparison-guide)	|	
|	doug	|	[PLA Filament Guide 2018 – Explained & Compared]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/1/pla-filament-3d-printing/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Complete 3D Printing Filament Comparison Guide 2019]	|	[rigid.ink](https://rigid.ink/pages/filament-comparison-guide)	|	
|	doug	|	[Print Quality Troubleshooting Guide]	|	[simplify3d.com](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Reviewing 30 different filaments!]	|	[toms3d.org](https://toms3d.org/2017/05/23/learned-reviewing-30-different-filaments-filaween/)	|	
|	zeveck	|	[USA Made PLA -- looks to be good quality PLA](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/random-help-ask-here/1255/5?u=tone)	|	[makergeeks.com](https://www.makergeeks.com/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Starter Temperatures & Printing Guide]	|	[filaments.ca](https://filaments.ca/pages/temperature-guide)	|	
|	doug	|	[Octin Stencil]	|	[dafont.com](https://www.dafont.com/octin-stencil-free.font)	|	
|	doug	|	[Octin Prison]	|	[dafont.com](https://www.dafont.com/octin-prison-free.font)	|	
|	doug	|	[Ultimate 3D Printing Materials Guide]	|	[simplify3d.com](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/materials-guide/)	|	
|	doug	|	[When should you upgrade the nozzle in your 3d printer?]	|	[youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35NPkN-xxqs)	|	
|	doug	|	[The 3D Printer Filament Recycler’s Guide]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/the-3d-printer-filament-recycler-s-guide/)	|	
|	doug	|	[Laser Safety]	|	[wickedlasers.com](https://www.wickedlasers.com/laser-tech/blue_light_hazard.html)	|	
|	doug	|	[3D Printer Nozzle Size & Material – What to Know & Which to Buy]	|	[all3dp.com](https://all3dp.com/2/3d-printer-nozzle-size-material-what-to-know-which-to-buy/)	|	
<details><summary>Things to make</summary>

|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
	|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
	|	CthulhuLabs	|	[Accessory mount](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snapmaker-accessory-mount/1914?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2816454)	|	
	|	Leonardo	|	[Battery Boxes](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snapmaker-showcase-battery-box/435?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2687873)	|	
	|	CthulhuLabs	|	[Bit Fan](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/blower-for-the-cnc/2030/2?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2422801)	|	
	|	jstncrft	|	[Chess Puzzle Board](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/make-a-christmas-present-for-your-loved-ones-with-the-snapmaker-and-win-a-coupon/433/6?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1505544)	|	
	|	freeman	|	[Easy Clamp for Snapmaker](https://www.facebook.com/groups/snapmaker/permalink/597732693978381/)	|	[myminifactory.com](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-easy-clamp-for-snapmaker-79963)	|	
	|	hank	|	[Cookie Cutters](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/christmas-cookie-cutters/569?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/search/page:1?q=Cookie+Cutter&sa=&dwh=455a9efe75aadf3)	|	
	|	TheBum	|	[CNC Dust Fence](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/a-dust-cover-for-cnc-module/285/29?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2805671)	|	
	|	Tone	|	[Dial Indicator Mount - SM2](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/on-achieving-a-perfect-level/5440)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4187251)	|	
	|	doug	|	[Dust Cover](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/a-dust-cover-for-cnc-module/285/18?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2640428)	|	
	|	Ardjan	|	[Filament Spool & Tool Holder](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/filament-guide-for-snapmaker/400/10?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2823943)	|	
	|	jstncrft	|	[Filament Spool Adapter](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/filament-spool-reel-adapter/406?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2687084)	|	
	|	by Waldo	|	[Honeycomb Buzzle easy puzzle to print on SnapMaker](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snaplinks-wiki/2108/12)	|	[myminifactory.com](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-67909)	|	
	|	Darren	|	[LEGO mount](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/a-lego-mount-for-name-etching/584)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2721694)	|	
	|	kelvin8r	|	[Minimal Spool Guide](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/minimal-spool-reel-guide/2302?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2844100)	|	
	|	CthulhuLabs	|	[Part Cooler Shroud](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/recommendations-for-successful-prints/2354?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2816980)	|	
	|		|	[Part Cooler Shroud 2 - Fractalengineer]	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2757461)	|	
	|	Tone	|	[Part Cooling Shroud 3](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/cooling-fan-facing-downward/2627/33?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3024111)	|	
	|	kelvin8r	|	[Pi Camera Mount](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/pi-camera-mount-holder-for-octopi-setup/2201?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2836769)	|	
	|	doug	|	[R2D2 Egg Cup](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/hi-welcome-to-our-forum-please-introduce-yourself/110/251?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:610710)	|	
	|	doug	|	[Rotary Adapter](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/new-module-ideas/181/56?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2784777)	|	
	|	Leonardo	|	[**SnapBox**](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snapmaker-showcase-snapbox/336?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2658266)	|	
	|	Thingiverse Creater, royaljelly, waldo	|	[Snapmaker Accessories Storage Box]	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/make:491122)	|	
	|	doug	|	[Temperature Tower - Better](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/not-all-filaments-are-the-same/1755/20)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2696733)	|	
	|	lman	|	[Tool Storage seat](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/this-is-my-snapmaker-tool-storage-seat/1911?u=tone)	|	[aws1.discourse-cdn.com](https://us1.discourse-cdn.com/flex022/uploads/snapmaker/original/2X/1/12fa0c82f0cf71cb4a932d466c721a0009574ef1.stl)	|	
	|	kelvin8r	|	[Tool Storage 2 Z top](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/official-documents-tutorials/787/8?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2762355)	|	
	|	jstncrft	|	[Universal Brackets](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/snapmaker-showcase-snapblock/1145/5?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2683909)	|	
	|	Rick	|	[Vibration Dampers](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/vibration-dampeners/2219?u=tone)	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2830677)	|	
	|	Various	|	[A broad collection of projects for the Snapmaker at Thingiverse]	|	[thingiverse.com](https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=snapmaker&sa=&dwh=845a9ee9800566b)	|	


	|	Added By	|	Description	|	External Resource	|	
	|	---	|	---	|	---	|	
	|	doug	|	[2D Chinese Dragon](http://forum.snapmaker.com/t/official-ready-to-try-for-cnc/360)	|	[aws1.discourse-cdn.com](https://us1.discourse-cdn.com/flex022/uploads/snapmaker/original/1X/4775fe32df496ac9d3baaf4d9f04066346a59497.nc)	|	
	|	George Guy	|	[Feeds & Speeds for Wood]	|	[cnccookbook.com](https://www.cnccookbook.com/feeds-speeds-wood/)	|	
	|	Doug Parsons	|	[Plastic Cutting CNC Router Bits]	|	[amanatool.com](https://www.amanatool.com/products/cnc-router-bits/plastic-cutting-cnc-router-bits.html)	|	


Had to delete some of the source, ran into the 32,000 character limit. Also ignore the obvious copy/paste of “Things to Make”

1 Like

Hmm, I wonder if that can be combined with a table.

I’m in the process of setting up a Google Spreadsheet so we can do some bulk editing.

PM me your email address and I’ll give you edit permissions.

I started coming up with a structure based on @brent113’s expanding sections and tables, but it occurs to me that this is extremely fragile, as-in, if it’s on a wiki, breaking it unexpectedly is really easy - that’s even true for my table efforts.

I suppose we could do this as a Google Doc with “Comment” permissions, but that brings the editing back to a few individuals, not ideal.

Ideally the solution needs:

  • Revision Control
  • Web-based GUI
  • “Advanced” formatting - ie. not plain text
  • General Access

Alternatively you “anoint” a “moderator” who does this, but I know I have a day-job and doing this kind of thing isn’t paying the rent. It also makes the solution reliant on a relatively small point of failure.

If there was a place in this forum where strict moderation - ie. no random questions - could be “enforced”, you could just use that section for this kind of information. The Wiki page is an example of how it quickly becomes unstructured.


Check above, posted as collapsable tables, with partial source. I don’t think it would be too bad to maintain. Could easily be cleaned up if the regular expression I used took more than 2 seconds to write, and included some formatting tabs.

That looks better than I expected.

I can massage my spreadsheet to generate that.

Let me post a full version here and see what that looks like.

Things to make
Added By Description External Resource
doug 2D Chinese Dragon aws1.discourse-cdn.com
George Guy [Feeds & Speeds for Wood] cnccookbook.com
Doug Parsons [Plastic Cutting CNC Router Bits] amanatool.com
Added By Description External Resource
Jihun Easy Clamp for Snapmaker myminifactory.com
doug Multi Color Filament Mixer mosaicmanufacturing.com
doug Multi Color Filament Mixer youtube.com
daemionfox Multi Color Print Head newatlas.com
daemionfox Multi Color Print Head reprap.me
kelvin8r OctoPi octoprint.org
kelvin8r [OctoPi - OctoPrint Forum] discourse.octoprint.org
kelvin8r [OctoPi - OctoPrint Docs] docs.octoprint.org
Tone Nickle Plated Nozzle amazon.com
[Touchup Tool] amazon.com
[Touchup Tool Lower Cost] amazon.com
Added By Description External Resource
Tone [Free Block Drawing Program] app.diagrams.net
Tone [Free Block Drawing Program] youtube.com
doug [FreeCAD Manual:Preparing models for 3D printing - an interesting read, especially on converting to Meshes] freecadweb.org
How To
Added By Description External Resource
xchrisd 3d Print Guide_Walk Through
Jameracho A350 3D Printing Bed Calibration Guide Google Doc
doug [Cura Tutorial] all3dp.com
doug [Best Glues, Epoxies, and Plastic Welds for 3D Printing - Part 1] youtube.com
doug [Getting started with Fusion 360 - a good video to start learning from] autodesk.com
doug [Fusion 360 - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 1] youtube.com
doug [Fusion 360 - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 2] youtube.com
doug [Fusion 360 - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 3] youtube.com
doug [Fusion 360 - Foundation Concepts - A series of great short video’s] help.autodesk.com
doug [Fusion 360 - How to create embossed text] youtube.com
doug [Fusion 360 - Split Face & Split Body] youtube.com
doug [How To - Avoid clogs with PLA Composites and all-metal hotends] proto-pasta.com
doug [How to Smooth PLA 3D Prints] instructables.com
doug [How to Anneal Your 3d Prints for Strength] rigid.ink
doug [How to find the perfect temperature for your 3D prints!] youtube.com
doug Painting with Oil Based Pens youtube.com
Tone [Printing with Nylon] matterhackers.com
doug Working with PLA Filament rigid.ink
doug [The Ultimate Guide to 3D Printed Text] thingiverse.com
doug [The Ultimate Guide to 3D Printed Text] xometry.com
doug [THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO 3D PRINTING] beginnersguide.io3dp.com
doug [3D Printing Tech Tips: Infill Percentage and Pattern Explained] 3dplatform.com
doug Temperature Towers - FINDING THE PERFECT TEMP FOR ANY FILAMENT youtube.com
doug [Simplify3D - Improved 3D Printing Success!] youtube.com
doug [Picking a 3D printer nozzle and installing it!] youtube.com
doug [Simplify3D - Different Settings for Different Regions of a Model] simplify3d.com
doug [Over-Extrusion – Tips and Tricks to Solve It] all3dp.com
doug [3D Printing 101: How To Fix a Clogged Nozzle Using a Cold Pull! - Suggested by James Bricknell] youtube.com
doug [Annealing PLA Prints for Strength – 2 Easy Ways] all3dp.com
doug [3D Printer Bed Adhesion – All You Need To Know] all3dp.com
doug [How to Set Up OctoPrint on Raspberry Pi 3 B+ – 3 Easy Steps] all3dp.com
Doug Parsons [TinkerCAD - YouTube Channel] youtube.com
Snapmaker [How to Use the Laser Engraving Feature?] youtube.com
Snapmaker [How to Use the CNC Feature?] youtube.com
Snapmaker Remove Blob
Snapmaker Laser settings for different materials
Snapmaker Cleaning the Linear Module
Snapmaker Leveling the Heated Bed
Snapmaker What should I do if the filament is broken in the 3D Printing Module?
Snapmaker What should I do if the first layer does not stick to the heated bed?
Snapmaker What should I do if the laser engraving module cannot work anymore?
doug [The Best Way to 3D Print Threads; Nuts, and Bolts] youtube.com
doug [Step-by-step easy guide: designing and 3D printing threads] sculpteo.com
doug [3D Printing Threads and Screws – A Simple Guide] all3dp.com
Edwin SnapMaker Original Repair Tutorial
Source code
Added By Description External Resource
Snapmaker Announcement github.com
Tone [G-code Wiki] reprap.org
Tone [G-code Wiki] marlinfw.org
Tone [Releases - The most current Luban] github.com
Snapmaker [Snapmaker G-code Google Docs Reference (incomplete)] docs.google.com
Added By Description External Resource
rojaljelly [Troubleshooting] aprintapro.com
Added By Description External Resource
Tone [36 Colors PLA - 16’ each - Includes 6 Glow in the dark] amazon.com
doug [3D Printer Nozzle Comparison Guide] matterhackers.com
jstncrft Filament Tube amazon.com
doug [ABS Bed Adhesion Tips & Tricks] matterhackers.com
rojaljelly [Filament Properties Table] simplify3d.com
doug [Free ‘Beginner’s Guide to 3D Printing’] i.materialise.com
doug [Complete 3D Printing Filament Comparison Guide - 2018] rigid.ink
doug [PLA Filament Guide 2018 – Explained & Compared] all3dp.com
doug [Complete 3D Printing Filament Comparison Guide 2019] rigid.ink
doug [Print Quality Troubleshooting Guide] simplify3d.com
doug [Reviewing 30 different filaments!] toms3d.org
zeveck USA Made PLA – looks to be good quality PLA makergeeks.com
doug [Starter Temperatures & Printing Guide] filaments.ca
doug [Octin Stencil] dafont.com
doug [Octin Prison] dafont.com
doug [Ultimate 3D Printing Materials Guide] simplify3d.com
doug [When should you upgrade the nozzle in your 3d printer?] youtube.com
doug [The 3D Printer Filament Recycler’s Guide] all3dp.com
doug [Laser Safety] wickedlasers.com
doug [3D Printer Nozzle Size & Material – What to Know & Which to Buy] all3dp.com
404 Error
Added By Description External Resource
Tone SparkMaker – SLA printer shop.ogadget.com

That’s hideous to actually edit if you don’t know what you’re looking at.

It looks good and works well but can anyone edit it without screwing it up?