Snapmaker Luban is Open Source Now on GitHub

Hi all,

Ever since the beginning, we envisioned an ecosystem within Snapmaker where users can just create and make things without hindrance. The Snapmaker3D and the Snapmakerjs were born in 2017 for that purpose and were later merged into one software for more streamlined user experience. Now after 26 iterations, the software is rebranded as the “Snapmaker Luban.”

The new Snapmaker Luban is a free 3D software with multi-language support that any makers can use for creation. Luban is also a powerful 3D software that can process multiple models at once, work with simple SVG files, and do text and greyscale engravings. Having benefited from the open source community, Luban was built under the framework of cncjs and uses CuraEngine as the underlying slicing engine.

To further expand the ability of customization, the Snapmaker Luban is going to be open source now on GitHub. All users are welcome to post any issues and/or bugs found in the software.

You can check out our Snapmaker Luban GitHub Page here.

If you are new to GitHub, please read the “” file before contributing. You can file an issue in “GitHub Issues.” to submit a bug or feature request. Please make sure you have read our guidelines before contributing code. Thank you!


If Snapmaker has some kind of internal bug and/or issue list they should transfer it to the Githut “issue list” so we don’t have to duplicate a whole bunch of things. People should know what is known and planned for fixes and improvements.


I hope Snapmaker don’t get any kind of repercussion from using the name of a software that already exists.

Yes, we are looking into making such a list. It would be out preferably in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for the heads up. We were aware of this but the reasoning behind naming our application Luban is listed below.

For one, Luban is actually a public figure of a craftsman from ancient China. Just like the name “Da Vinci” is used in many scenarios and applications. Naming our software Luban is more of a tribute to the public figure.

Secondly, the name Luban is widely used in many applications. There is an Alibaba Luban, and there is the Luban software you mentioned in the post above. The purposes of the software with the name Luban are different.

Thirdly, we named our software Snapmaker Luban, originated from the public figure from ancient China. Moreover, we don’t exclude other software. Our software itself is open source and free of charge. We won’t incur any licensing fees either.

Hope this clears up the confusion.


I notice that there are no development instructions for MAC-OS on the page:

are there mac developers out there that can help me get started?

If you install xcode and recommended/default development tools [May not be needed, try just vscode and nodejs].
Install nodejs and Git if you didn’t install Xcode (Xcode includes a copy of git).
Personally I like vscode for editing script files but that’s unnecessary.
Then open Terminal app and follow the cloning and dependency section of the Development guide

----- EDIT -----
So my setup was not clean, I had Xcode, Visual studio for Mac, and VSCode installed, which meant I already had Git included.

  1. I went to vscode, used it to clone the repository (same as the git clone command).
  2. I then loaded Terminal app and got into the luban folder with cd Luban and tried npm install and got command not found (I hadn’t installed nodejs).
  3. Loaded safari and downloaded nodejs, installed it, then switched back to the Terminal app and ran npm install and it did everything as expected.
  4. Then npm run dev and it loaded through until it mentions Starting the server at
  5. Load that address in Safari and you will be using Luban. It takes a bunch of seconds before the page loads for the first time in your web browser.

Trying to get Luban to compile under MacOS 12.2. After npm run -dev I see a lot of stuff then a failure:
Any pointers to how to fix would be highly appreciated,

Error: There is no built binary for font-manager

Maybe i saw that and resolved it without thinking, it happened on something else recently.
I dont know if you did the requirements install incorrectly or if the instructions are lacking but you need font-manager, just npm install font-manager (you may want to globally install it instead unless thats awfully bad practice these days :flushed:)

Luban is in need of this feature from Cura, and that is “Extra Infill Wall Count” or “Extra Skin Wall Count” These two functions seem to do the same thing. Recently I printed a large Brochure holder using Cubic infill at 4.5 Percent and the “floor” layers got all jacked up because they didnt have any filament to stick to in certain spots. As you can see in the attached picture below.

The setting I am referring to in Cura would have drawn a box around the 2 skin layers for the Floor giving those layers something to stick to.

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This is what Cura’s setting would do

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FEATURE REQUEST: Please add a “Park Position” button to the SN 2 touchscreen (and Artisan I presume) on the top screen so you do not always have to go thru the menu and add as well to Luban in the Workspace area next to the “Home” button…

^^^ Wrong forum.

Would be more helpful if you would point me to the right forum…