What should be done about Frequently Asked (and answered) Questions?

That is precisely my current biggest concern.

The alternate versions we’re playing with aren’t really any better either.

I’m wondering if using indented lists with headings for sections might be a more robust way to go.

I don’t want to make more work for anyone either, so I’m trying hard to figure out what a longer term solution might look like.

How about something like this? (not fully formatted everything just as an example:

Things to make

Dust shoe: don't get all dusty
  • Description....: description of the item
  • Resources......: Some link
  • Submitter......:
Gift box
  • Description....: description of the item
  • Resources......: Some link
  • Submitter......:
Surprise item
  • Description....: description of the item
  • Resources......: Some link
  • Submitter......:

General tips and tricks

Bed calibration
  • Description....: description of the item
  • Resources......: Some link
  • Submitter......:
first installation
  • Description....: description of the item
  • Resources......: Some link
  • Submitter......:
Filament tips
  • Description....: description of the item
  • Resources......: Some link
  • Submitter......:

The code for the segment above looks like this:

### Things to make
[details="Dust shoe: don't get all dusty"]
  * `Description....:` description of the item
  * `Resources......:` [Some link](https://www.snapmaker.com)
  * `Submitter......:`
[details="Gift box"]
  * `Description....:` description of the item
  * `Resources......:` [Some link](https://www.snapmaker.com)
  * `Submitter......:`
[details="Surprise item"]
  * `Description....:` description of the item
  * `Resources......:` [Some link](https://www.snapmaker.com)
  * `Submitter......:`
### General tips and tricks
[details="Bed calibration"]
  * `Description....:` description of the item
  * `Resources......:` [Some link](https://www.snapmaker.com)
  * `Submitter......:`
[details="first installation"]
  * `Description....:` description of the item
  * `Resources......:` [Some link](https://www.snapmaker.com)
  * `Submitter......:`
[details="Filament tips"]
  * `Description....:` description of the item
  * `Resources......:` [Some link](https://www.snapmaker.com)
  * `Submitter......:`

I’m abusing the inline code tags and dots (.) to create to align the colon as whitespaces get filtered out. But the code tags do enforce a monospace font which helps to align.

If someone wants to add something to it. They just have to add a section like this which is fairly easy to understand:

[details="Surprise item"]
  * `Description....:` description of the item
  * `Resources......:` [Some link](https://www.snapmaker.com)
  * `Submitter......:`

It’s more or less abusing the hide details tag as a list item. You could nest them, but you can’t style the description of them which is a pity. Would be great if you could add ## to them to make them like headers

Main disadvantage: you need a lot of clicking if you want to see more details. You could decide to not use the hide details option at all, but that would make it very long.

Main advantage: very easy to understand and edit. Just include a sample in the post that can be copy-pasted and it’s really easy to fill in and mistakes can’t really wreck the entire post. If later one it would be preferred to have more than just the description, link and submitter: it can easily be done without the need to update the entire table all at once, “easy” to reorganize and use the other markup possibilities

edit: little bit of cleanup

I received a badge yesterday for being a “regular” which apparently provides me some powers. (renaming threads is the only one that sticks out to me but maybe something else too) That implies they do have the ability to provide some.

We could inquire if pinning can be granted or not? @staff

Actually the original wiki-page by Tone is already pinned, just not forum wide, only in the getting started category.

Pinning requires staff action. I had to ask to get it pinned.

Keeping everything in one thread strikes me as a way to end up with one heck of an unwieldy thread (and possibly make the forum software explode somewhere along the way). And if they switch the forum software again, we might lose everything.

Alternative 1: Get multiple threads pinned (“Assembly/Getting Started”, “3D Printing”, “Laser”, “CNC”, “Troubleshooting”, “Accessories to Make”, “Other Things to Make”, etc.). Doesn’t fix the potential problems with backups.

Alternative 2: Set up an external wiki—I agree that the weak excuse for wiki software that github provides is not an option, but there are hosts that will provide instances of Mediawiki or similar for free. miraheze.org looks nice enough and seems responsive; there are others. This requires an ongoing mass information-transfer exercise.

Alternative 3: Keep the single FAQ thread, but curate it to within an inch of its life. Don’t include any “stuff to make” that isn’t a Snapmaker accessory, but point people to an external collection on Thingiverse or somewhere. Don’t include any questions that haven’t been asked at least 3-4 times by different people. And so on. Hopefully this would stay small enough to make it reasonable to save copies off periodically, but it would require the cooperation of everyone working on the thread.


I really like the idea of a “FAQ” category at the top-level of the Forum (to use the existing terminology) with a pinned post for each section and in that we maintain a list for the various things of interest related strictly to that area. It means that as new areas open up, like say the rotary module, we can add another pinned post to that category.

I wonder if the FAQ category could be configured to only contain pinned wiki posts that cannot be replied to, which would make the noise level much lower. My google-fu didn’t unearth the magic discourse incantation to make this happen.

We could implement this using a policy of “links to the forum only”, so if someone wants to add a reference to an external resource, it must first be posted as a forum link, which would allow discussion related to that resource in that thread which would make the item continued to be relevant and if the link dies, there could be a reply to the source post with a new link, keeping the FAQ still correct - less maintenance work - yay!

As for backups, I run plenty of daily backup jobs for various things, adding a few URL’s for backing up is pretty simple.

I wasn’t here with the previous forum, but I’d be surprised if the data didn’t still exist somewhere. Perhaps we could ask SM for it?

Back to formatting. It could be a simple indented list if we have a FAQ for each category like this:

Assembly / Getting Started

The resources listed here are forum posts that help a new user assemble their SnapMaker device and configure it for first use. If you have questions about a resource here, respond to the original resource post so the whole community benefits from the discussion.

# Assembly / Getting Started

The resources listed here are **forum posts** that help a new user assemble their SnapMaker device and configure it for first use. If you have questions about a resource here, respond to the original resource post so the whole community benefits from the discussion.

* [3d Print Guide_Walk Through](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/3d-print-guide-walk-through/5945)
* [A350 3D Printing Bed Calibration Guide](https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/a350-3d-printing-bed-calibration-guide/12019)

If that is a suitable idea, this leaves the question, which “pinned” post areas should the FAQ category start with?

@ElloryJaye has proposed:

  • Assembly / Getting Started
  • 3D Printing
  • Laser Cutting / Engraving
  • CNC
  • Troubleshooting
  • Accessories to Make
  • Other Things to Make

@Tone used:

  • Things to make
  • CNC
  • Accessories
  • How to’s
  • Source code
  • Troubleshooting
  • Misc

I suggested:

  • Software

We can vote using a poll, but are there any suggestions on categories that would be helpful in our first attempt at doing this?

Good morning, I like this FAQ idea.
I have no idea which categories could be added, so far, it looks complete.
The topic you are going to create, should be a wiki-topic anyway, so editing is possible forever. I didn’t knew this at my getting started topic and can’t edit it any more…

I’ve been thinking about the categories and the kinds of questions that come through the forum on a regular basis. Here’s a list based on my observations:

  • Putting your SnapMaker together
  • Instructions and User Guides
  • Troubleshooting when things don’t work as expected
  • Maintenance of your SnapMaker
  • Getting Support
  • How shipping works
  • Software
  • Accessories for your SnapMaker
  • Models to make
  • Source Code
  • Reporting Bugs
  • The 3D Printing Module
  • The CNC Module
  • The Controller
  • The Laser Module
  • The Linear Modules
  • The Power Supply
  • The Rotary Module
  • The Touch Screen

One of the issues with the above list is that there is overlap - and therefor scope for confusion. I’d rather have specific, distinct, non-overlapping areas. It’s likely that this isn’t possible, but would love to hear feedback on it.

I did toy with just having sections named after the hardware components only:

  • The 3D Printing Module
  • The CNC Module
  • The Controller
  • The Laser Module
  • The Linear Modules
  • The Power Supply
  • The Rotary Module
  • The Touch Screen

Perhaps that’s a better starting point?

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I prefer just the hardware but add maintenance and software.
Not sure power supply or controller needs their own. Maybe combined with touch screen.
The only other category I think might be good, but maybe that’s under each of the modules would be a “To Start” guide.


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what if we started an offshoot forum “For Newb’s Only” so that us newb’s such as myself dont feel so guilty for asking questions which im sure you guys who have been around for a bit have heard a thousand times and bog down the forum for more advanced issues and situations?

For the tutorials for the very beginners:

For the frequently asked question, see this site

If you are worried about asking questions that you feel are very “newbie”, just post within the “getting started” category. That category’s stated purpose is to “get help from fellow creatives” so it would be a good match for what you describe.

If it helps, I have spent an embarrassing amount of time reading through the forums, even before making an account, and I haven’t really seen much negative sentiment about people asking questions. I’d just recommend using the search function to see if there is a thread that already exists that relates to your issue, both so you can try fixes before having to post and wait for a response and to try to reduce clutter on the forums.

Overall, a lot of us are still learning our machines and are happy to help!

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I don’t think you need to feel guilty about being a beginner.
We all don’t know what we’re doing at first.
We’ve all been beginners at one time or another.

I may have been wrong in some other way.
Please forgive me.

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thank you! I appreciate your patience…

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The above file has been removed from the google drive.