Remove Firmware

I done what you mentioned, I tapped 5 times on about machine. I did not get any new icons. No experiment icon. What I keep getting see picture (What I Get).
When you mention tap on machine this is what I am tapping on (About Machine).
Where would the new icons be on the touch screen?


Tim Spisak

| Skreelink
November 17 |

  • | - |

What exactly has gone wrong? If the machine boots and the touchscreen works, install the latest firmware version from here;

Snapmaker 2.0 Firmware Updates and Downloads Snapmaker 2.0

We will release the latest Snapmaker 2.0 firmware updates and downloads under this topic. Your feedback is very much appreciated. You can report any bugs or make any suggestions in the discussion thread. Snapmaker 2.0 Firmware Version List Latest Version: Snapmaker2_V1.14.3 History Version 15(Jan. 14, 2022): V1.14.2 History Version 14(Dec. 13, 2021): V1.14.1 History Version 13(Sep. 13, 2021): V1.13.2 History Version 12(Jul. 21, 2021): V1.13.1 History Version 11(Jul. 9, 2021): V1.12.2 H…

Then go to settings > about machine > then tap on the image 5 times. This adds new icons to the touchscreen, back out and go into experiment > preference > reset all. This should factory reset the machine. If the new icons are still on the touchscreen afterwards, follow the above, but only tap the image once to remove them.