I am getting a calibration issue as well I posted in another tread exactly the same app crashes can’t calibrate and in middle of projects for Christmas so not good can you revert firmware does anyone know.
You should be able to go back to your previous firmware. Just need to use a usb drive.
It’s changed a little with the update that had you update each toolhead separately. (1.13.1 ?)
In another thread I think @brent113 said that you can’t go back to firmware before that.
Maybe he can chime in.
So I’m having Camera Capture as well since updating. If I turn the enclosure lights on camera capture doesn’t do anything. If I turn them off it will (sometimes) take all 9 pictures. Not surprisingly, the background is completely dark. Any suggestions? And, yes, I have the correct laser selected.
This is exactly why I disable auto update on all software and I only manually update if there’s a feature or documented bug fix that benefits me. Thankfully my SM is running fine without issues but this situation makes me wonder if they even test these updates, they seem to come out too hot.
Same issues here…succesfull downgrade back to 1.13.2 (even after having opened the laser unit for checking if the camera cable had come loose) and now camera fetch works fine again as does autofocus…
No Its just I am new to snapmaker and have not had update since I bought it and I know my previous model to downgrade was a nightmare and would cause all sorts of issues so was just asking as the issues I am having with the laser are what I am using most of the time atm and just need to get this last Christmas present done lol.
albutch helped me - I switched off the enclosure LED strips and it worked first time. Previously, it would keep getting stuck on the third photo and not moving.
So switch off your enclosure lighting or make the room darker, for me this is what fixed it.
my downgrade to 1.13.2 works fine. Maybe i try to switch off the enclosure lighting later. I also recognized, that my camera light did not turned on. Not with 1.13.2 neither with the 1.14.1 so maybe i have a general Problem with the camera.