Do you have any spare parts like a toolheadcable?
Get any connection to a terminal over wifi or usb?
Did you already export your logs?
Okay, following the gcode reference i posted before you have following options for diagnostics:
M1005 (SM2.0) - Get Basic Info of Controller and Modules
- Get the basic information of the controller and modules, see the following example for details.
Marlin SM2-4.7.2
Compiled: Jun 3 2024, 17:42:45
PACKAGE: Snapmaker_V4.7.2
Module Ver:
Module 0x00C048D4: v1.14.6
Module 0x00C02468: v1.14.6
Module 0x0002C4DE: v1.14.3
Module 0x00C048D8: v1.14.6
Module 0x00C048E0: v1.14.6
Module 0x00C048F0: v1.14.6
linear_tmc X1 length: 356 mm, lead: 20 mm
linear_tmc Y1 length: 356 mm, lead: 20 mm
linear_tmc Z1 length: 356 mm, lead: 8 mm
linear_tmc Y2 length: 356 mm, lead: 20 mm
linear_tmc Z2 length: 356 mm, lead: 8 mm
kits: quick_change_kit
Machine Size: L
M1006 (SM2.0) - Get Toolhead Details
- Get detailed information of the toolhead. For different toolheads, the information format may vary. Only key fields are explained here, and see the following example for details.
Tool Head: 3DP
active_probe_sensor: 0
hotend_type: 0: 1, 1: 1
hotend_diameter: 0: 0.40, 1:0.40
Kp: 150.000, Ki: 1.000, Kd: 30000.000
z_compensation: 0: 0.585, 1: 0.397
echo:Hotend offsets: 0.00,0.00,0.000 26.00,0.00,-1.524
* `Tool Head: 3DP`: Toolhead type - 3DP.
* `z_compensation: 0: 0.585, 1: 0.397`: Z probe compensation.
Tool Head: 20W LASER
Current Status: OFF
Current Power: 0.00
Focus Height: 65
* `Tool Head: 20W LASER`: Toolhead type - 20W Laser.
* `Current Status: OFF`: Current status of the laser.
* `Current Power: 0.00`: Current power of the laser.
Tool Head: 200W CNC
rpm: 0, error: 0x0
M_I: 346, M_V: 24.23
M_TEMP: 25.80, PCB_TEMP: 26.90
run status: STOP
cur_power: 0 target_power: 0
cur_rpm: 0 target_rpm: 0
last error: 0x0
* `Tool Head: 200W CNC`: Toolhead type - 200W CNC.
* `cur_rpm: 0 target_rpm: 0`: Current rpm and target rpm.