Switching to Cura, does it worth?

Hi guys,
since Luban is based on Cura I’m just thinking if it could be better switching Cura to get more updates and support or just stick on Luban. What do you thing?

I’ve got an A150 and I’m new in 3D printing… can someone help me to configure Cura so I can at leat give it a chance to Cura? :slight_smile:


All of your Luban skills will transfer to Cura, so there’s no reason to switch until you find a reason. If you’re thinking about other software, like Simplify3D or Fusion360, only some of the skills will transfer, so sooner might be better. Cura only does 3D printing, so if you’re going to do CNC or Laser, you’ll still be using Luban (or some other software - search the forums for “cnc software” or “laser software” to find some suggestions).

Luban is meant to be easy to use. If you’re the type that gets overwhelmed by too many options, it’s probably best to stick to Luban until you feel more comfortable. If customizing your print settings is too much, Cura will be worse.

If you’ve started thinking things like “I wish I could make this a mirror image”, “I need supports, but I don’t like the auto generated ones”, or “the structural requirements for this part would work better with a different infill pattern”, then it’s time to switch.

Snapmaker has posted profiles for it. If that doesn’t work for you, @Slynold just posted his Cura info on the forums.

I did have some calibration issues (on my v1) when I switched from Luban to Cura, similar to upgrading Luban. Mostly first layer adhesion problems for large parts. I’ve gotten in the habit of re-slicing and printing a 125mm x 125mm x 0.05mm square every time I upgrade or change software. Getting that to work in Cura took some digging in the settings to find the “Initial Layer Height” setting that was set to 0.3mm.