Snapmaker Cura configuration

Hello again,

after making some first steps with 3d printing I started to create some cura profiles based on the standard cura profiles. I did this to make my own experiences and to get use of the massive count of configuration options.

With the help of some others (@brent113, @xchrisd, @Atom) on this board I made some experiences and decided to document and to share these.

The result is a github repository where I published my configuration.
In this repository I’ll maintain and document all configuration changes.

I hope you find this useful, and if you want to contribute to this please message me.

Repository and documentation:

Exported curaprofiles:

Configuration Source:


Keep in mind you will need forks for different kinds of materials and different types of prints. 3d printing configurations are not 1 size fits all. But I’m glad to know we where able to help and that your helping others!!

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Yes I know - this should be seen as a baseline for PLA material.
Next to come is PETG.


I’ve taken a slightly different approach to making Cura profiles for the Snapmaker series. I’m developing the files in a format similar to how machines that are part of the native Cura distribution are organized. Maybe some day Snapmaker will be in Cura natively.

I like this approach!
I just think that importing a profile is much easier.
Maybe we can combine our efforts. I could provide you with shell scripts for installation.

Just added some changes to the profiles, and made first experiments with petg.

so all materials are excluded by default - do I add materials after running the script or just make changes without adding materials at all?

Hello there,

I am sorry to jump in but this is the best thread that I found for my issue.
I just started using Cura this morning and did the initial set up as described in the support document that snapmaker has produced.

First of all, in the printhead settings I cannot insert any other number that 0 in the X min and Y min… what do you have?

I tried printing this morning and the machine is not responding, when I print start the hotend and bed don’t heat up. Do you insert the start and end g-code in the printer tab or extruder tab?

Thanks in advance.

Hi! Sorry I have not much time, so here’s only a screenshot. Hope it helps!

Cura has accepted my PR to add Snapmaker 2.0 into the baseline.

So in the next release you won’t need to add custom profiles or install via shell scripts.


Great! Will I have also the A150 profile?

Did they happen to say when that next release might be?

I don’t know if it is possible, but are you able to supply a plugin also to be installed, when somebody chooses the Snapmaker?

This is incredible!! Thank you for the work - I can’t wait to check this out!!! Direct connection…so yummy.