It’s hard to know why Cura works better than Luban sometimes.
Luban’s slicing engine is supposed to be derived from Cura but not sure how up to date it is. If you have exact same settings in both they should theoretically turn out identically but that definitely isn’t true. It may be that Cura just does a little more computation with acceleration and adjusting for wall widths and closeness etc. that Luban doesn’t.
No matter what Cura is always going to be better just because you have more control over it. Since you’re obviously already slicing in Cura, why do you care?
Luban just needs to be improved enough to make it bug free and easy for first timers to use. After that there’s no reason not to make the move to cura.
Luban’s role is to offer an introduction into 3d printing. I don’t think Luban will ever grow too far beyond that. It definitely could use some more love than its current state though.
Simplify3d is a nice slicer, no doubt about it.
Cura has some features it doesnt, and simplify3d is reallllly lagging behind on updates. The citizens of S3D’s forums are rather angry at the lack of communication about any sort of progress. It’s possible a brand new version is just around the corner, but nobody knows anything other than “they are working on it” which could be nothing more than fluff.
I think there are good cases to use either slicer. I personally do use S3D. I think for some prints i could see a lot of value in using Cura’s trees instead though.
I think that Cura’s “print thin walls” setting is probably a major factor in something like this.
Also, i would say your filament be a bit wet. maybe look into dehydrating it for better results. it seems like it should be looking a little better than it is to me.
However, that’s a really cool thing you are making, I should try something like that.