Spindle stalling every time

the table floating so much that in that same area the spindle stop spinning…
i tried a 1MM step down… spindle stall :thinking:
i tried 0.5MM spindle stall… :open_mouth:
on this video there is a 0.2MM step down… spindle stall :astonished: :flushed: :pensive: :man_facepalming:
that is raises many red flags
1; the advertisement of snapmaker said machine cable of cutting up to 15MM deep… that last cut was 0.2mm :astonished:
2; spindle has no power… at all :man_facepalming:
pause/halt wont stopped the movement until the last started line finish (single block movement)… so so dangerous, especially when the spindle in stall… not only the work piece or the cutting bit (tool), but a spindle it self getting damaged like that… pause mean stop every movement right on that second :man_facepalming: :angry: i dont want to buy a e switch, which should be part of the machine, but all it does its cuts the power… that i can do on my own… just pull the plug… all this are very disappointing…

as i show, i program, set up cnc mills, wire edms, over 30years… some time ago laser and waterjets, also
but in the last 5years only edm’s and mills only

so im sure i have an idea how this should work…
and that isn’t…
question… if i mill (here at work) or 3d print some sort of sliders (support) under the table (under the carriage… (meaning the web thing with nuts, what we screw the waste board on, on not the 2 post, which come out of the lead screw)… will your machine able to handle power wise… obviously the spindle has no power, at least nowhere near to what ben advertised… but a machine would able to handle some sliding support, rail system? or i just would waste my time even more?
and i have no idea what to do with a spindle being so weak… my battery operated dremel, which i dint charged for a while, dig in to this soft wood, and was able to carve steadier , then the snapmaker spindle :man_facepalming: that is disappointing :man_facepalming: :pensive: :smirk:

Actually it sounds like yours might have an issue, I’ve never had a problem with softwood with the stepdowns you described, does it like a champ. I’ve even successfully milled soft aluminum (albeit with so small step downs that it defeats the purpose, but it did it!) I wonder if your spindle has a problem. Possibly the controller or cable since you said it’s hardly getting any power.

There is an emergency stop button now, but it’s not a true interrupt emergency stop button, for that just hit the power switch. But I do think they should’ve done a true interrupt cut off instead of just another command to the controller to stop everything. With your experience I don’t feel I need to ask if the bit is fully seated and secured in the collet.

Also I didn’t notice the surfacing bit like @brent113 did, currently on my phone and that vidya is small on a phone, I could see SOMETHING stopped spinning, didn’t dawn on me about that bit.

The rated 50W spindle at 12,000RPM will sustain 0.3 in-lbs of torque. That large surfacing bit you’re using will take some consideration in feeds and speeds.

Apples to oranges because they weren’t referring to using a 1"+ diameter surfacing bit at 15mm DoC.

Your feedrate looks too aggressive for the size of cutter in my opinion.

If you’ve tried .2mm DoC at slow feeds and are are suspecting the motor is bad then you’d have to contact support for a replacement. If you’re able to test spindle RPM that would be good, there was a firmware bug related to that recently. I don’t know how to test wattage to confirm if the motor is good or bad :confused:

This is a basic breakdown to test electric motors, not specific to Snapmaker. For testing the motor you’d need to test between each winding terminal. Meaning ripping the head apart. You’d be looking for readings conducive to what the motor is supposed to have (I haven’t actually checked what the readings are supposed to be for the Snapmaker spindle), if all checks out good on the windings, you then move to the motors connector, if you get a zero or intermittent zero reading the issue lies before the head (cable, controller etc)

i agree with you, except it happens an all tool… no matter… it just happened that i decide to make a video on that one…
anyway i will run some serius test on the whole machine, at least i know what to expect… :wink: :+1:

im not going to rip the head a part… but will do as many test as i can… thx for the help +1:

Yeah don’t rip the head (or anything else for that matter) apart. It’ll break your warranty.

yes exactly, once the warranty expires then i take a better look… :laughing: especially that a 3d printer and laser works just fine… the cnc i get around it for now… if i have to i just bring the material to work and do it on this cnc’s :smirk: nothing like get in trouble for doing private work :rofl:

Or if it’s confirmed to be the head, once the replacement comes you’re free to tinker around in the old one since you won’t be using it again.

Recommended DOC of 15mm is for multiple passes with step-downs, not a single pass.
Even so I regularly do cuts of 40mm with 55mm length bits from 3.175mm to 6.35mm. But I usually only cut paths where the bit is in contact with material on both sides of the bit to a depth of 12mm.

I’ve had no problem running a 1" surfacing bit (and many others as well), but only with .2mm step-down and 400mm/m work speed. I believe the SM officially lists only that it can handle bits up to 6.35mm (with a 3rd party collet).


Hey, i guess you are thinking about something similar to this:

Unfortunately Stefix is not here anymore. RIP.

that’s actually so true

that’s exactly what i used… and the video don’t show, because i can’t upload long enough video, but the front of the work pice machining just fine… gets to the top and stall… on every tool, every setting and depth :man_shrugging:
i’m hoping to fix that, by printing a slide support for the table, but still the spindle should not stall on such of small contact and little bit of extra pressure from the table being uneven :thinking::man_shrugging:

yesss… exactly… would that help?

If I were you I would try to recreate that video but with a small bit (preferably one of the standard bits delivered with the device) and contact support about it.

I’ve been pretty aggressive with my settings and haven’t had the bit stall that way yet. I can hardly imagine that would happen with a smaller bit as well. If it does, then I think there is an issue with your cnc module.

However, I do have the impression you’re going rather fast with a bit that size. What speed were you working at?

You might also need to scale down your expectations. The Snapmaker is in no way comparable to any of the other devices you’re showing.

i agree with the last part… i never expected the table top machines to compete with a steel cutting 40 taper high speed machine, but i also dint expect the spindle to stall… the video i only made to show… so my feed and s speed are not an issue, because many many other tool bit and speed and feed and depth i tried, before i made this video… this isn’t a first try or tool… i even asked advise from cnc operators, who works with wood and not steel like me… non of them working… spindle keep stalling out on the same are… 1” bit or 1mm bit… no different :man_facepalming::joy::man_shrugging:

You’ve stalled a 1mm bit in a cut and it didn’t break?

yes… as soon the table slide completely forward… the spindle start struggling and stop turning… i pass the area table moving back to the centre spindle start turning… no matter what bit size feed speed or depth i use

i will make a long video and posted on youtube, closed off of public viewing, because i don’t want snapmaker reputation go bad, and send you guys a link with password to see… otherwise i’m happy with the machine… 3d printer works (can be faster, quieter, but works flawlessly… laser works) i’m happy with the machine… only the spindle stall is annoying :joy::man_facepalming:

looks good

if i move the head by hand it’s actually rocking… that’s normal?

I mean it shouldn’t stall the spindle, maybe give me bad finish and out of square cut… right? :thinking: