Rotary attempt Woes

So I’ve made 3 attempts to make these little candlesticks. All three attempts it gets to about 30% and the machine loses its mind and starts stabbing. The rotary tool stops spinning. I guess the file is too big for the machine to handle? The third attempt I pulled the plug and let it recover from power loss a few times and that made me get a little further in the project, it got to 45%.

Almost certainly the spindle motor being overloaded.

Maybe make it three jobs.
Try and do material removal passes.
No detail at all just reduce the profile in a couple runs.
Then final job of what you have there (full detail).

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May try some tips form here.

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Have you seen @Skreelink 's Rotary Multi Pass guide?

These would help thanks, but I’ve given up - I’m going to 3D print the candlesticks. Next time I’ll try these methods.