Machine calibration problems

Hi. I’ve just started setting up my Snapmaker 2.0 for 3D printing. But whenever I try to calibrate it, the nozzle doesn’t move to the proper area. It doesn’t move down and always stop to the right and makes an intermittent buzzing sound. What’s worse is that the menu options are completely disabled so I can’t use them to move the nozzle to the correct position. Why is this happening and what am I doing wrong?

Double (triple) check your assembly.

Make sure you have the proper linear modules in the correct places. 8mm lead for z-towers, 20mm for everything else.
Make sure your cables are connected correctly.

Share photos/video of your machine and how it’s assembled and what it’s doing. (since you’re new you may need to use and offsite host)

From the one picture you posted, it doesn’t look like the print sheet is laying flat.
Make sure you’re using the flat head screws (and that the frame is mounted nuts down) so that the screw heads are flush with the heated bed.


I believe I assembled everything correctly. Would I have to physically move the x axis down? Because the up and down buttons on the touchpad don’t work.

Check your cable connections again. Make sure the X, Y and Z cables are in the correct port of the controller. If the print head was driven to the right during calibration then there is a mismatch.

The up and down buttons for calibration are disabled until the final step, it should do the first part automatically. Never try to force an axis to move while the machine is turned on and the steppers are engaged.

@THayes with the power off, disconnect the 3D Printer module and do not connect any module. Then turn on the power and check the version of firmware that is installed, which is listed on the About page. If you don’t see 1.14.2, then update the firmware using the instructions at this link:

After you have verified that the firmware is up-to-date, try jogging each of the axis’ from the TouchPad. If any of them don’t move correctly, or move in the wrong direction, please contact Support. They will need to diagnose the issue with you.

If all of the axis’ are now working correctly, power down the Snapmaker and connect the 3D Printer module. Turn the Snapmaker on, and it will update the 3D Printer module firmware. If you are not able to run through the calibration after this, you will need to contact Support.

In your photo the head is all the way to the right.
Unless you’ve moved it there manually, it should end up on the left when it goes to home.
The cable should come out of the right side of the linear rail on the same side where you plug everything in.

Update your firmware as @CNC-Maker said. Check your cable connections.


It should end up on the left when homing (typo probably ;))

My bad.


Ok, so I had to fix a couple of things in the construction of my machine and I got the x axis to move down, but it still stopped about 1/4 of the way. Would I have to move the bed out further?

The problem is that when you Home the machine, it should be moving the Z to the top, then the X to the left, and finally the Y forward. Any other movement is incorrect, and means that something is seriously wrong. No one here can help you in that case. You will only be able to obtain help from Support.

Just to be clear, the printer head runs along the X axis, the X axis moves up and down on the two Z axes modules. and the Y axis moves the bed back and forth. Sorry if you know this already but it looks like you may have them plugged into each others sockets on the controller.

Unfortunately that does not explain the positioning of each of the Linear Modules. Look at your machine and notice that the home position for each Linear Module is always to the end of the module that is opposite the cable/stepper motor. It doesn’t matter which axis, all axis’ home to the end opposite the cable, as that is where the limit switch is. :wink:

If you could record a video of the problem occurring, that would be very helpful. Also, make sure that there is enough space behind your machine, as the bed does extend behind the back of the baseplate.

Also, just to confirm and clear confusion in the thread, when you home the machine, does the print head go to the left (away from the touchscreen) or right (near the touchscreen)?

Only once again to understand where which axes are located!

In the home position this means:

X-axis on the far left
Z-axes at the top
Y-axes at the very front at the lettering or also display

So here again a picture of the basic position of the machine.
This is where the axes should be when they are in the home position or after a “home” drive!

If this is not the case, then you have either the axes wrong mounted wrong connected or connected to the wrong controller port.

Please check very carefully according to the instructions where and how which axes are connected!

There seems to be some confusion here, which I tried to clear up previously. ALL Linear Modules have their limit switch located on the end opposite the cable/stepper motor. It doesn’t matter which axis port you plug the Linear Module into, it should ALWAYS home to the side with the limit switch. If this is not happening, it is not due to plugging a module into the wrong Controller port, there is some other issue.

The Snapmaker 2.0 will home the axis’ in this order:

  1. Z to the top.
  2. X to the left.
  3. Y to the front.

If the machine does not home to the correct side, you MUST contact Support. If the axis’ home in a different order, you have them plugged into the wrong Controller port on the.

After checking that they’re assembled in the correct orientation. Because I have seen where people have mounted the x and even the z incorrectly. So far not the y though.


True, but the pictures clearly show that the modules are installed in the correct orientations. :wink:

No but on pictures you can see more and it is a faster help if you just make a picture where the home position is.

And then sees (THayes) quite simply where the home position is and that his X-axis moves to the wrong side, it may be that he has plugged the X-cable the wrong way around !??

I have now added a new picture with the limit switch positions here, logically the cable connections are at the other side.