The buildings are quite large prints and when I try to slice them in Luban it starts, then just hangs. I’ve even let it run overnight and it makes no progress. It uses no CPU.
All slice fine in Cura. They take ~5 minutes to slice, but they do slice. No errors in them either.
Yesterday I updated to the latest build to see if that helped, but it has the same issues.
It hangs after “preparing for slicing…”, but before the “slicing engine for Cura” process starts. When this process doesn’t start it just hangs forever and I have to kill it from the task manager.
I have had it successfully slice a model, then hang on other attempts. So I don’t think it is the model.
I have a 9MB STL (but I’m duplicating it) and it seems to hang at 30%. “Previewing G-Code” is the message it’s stuck at. I just recently installed Cura and it seems to work okay with it, but I’d rather use Luban because that’s what I’m used to and it looks like Cura requires a bit more setup.
I recently updated to Luban 4.12.0. I’ve definitely printed larger things in the past, so I’m guessing the issue is with the latest update.
Hm. Tried with 4.11.0 as well and it still does the same thing. Even with just one copy of the STL. The STL also requires repairing. I’ve tried it both with and without repair and the same issue.
I’m trying to print Base.stl from this item on Thingiverse (I can’t attach it here since it’s larger than 8 MB).