Luban 3.13 freezes

Version 3.12.2 and 3.13 all freeze up when I try to create the gcode for 3d print. I can set up the file with no problems, but as soon as I hit create gcode it’ll say preparing to slice and then freeze. All versions past 3.10.2 have done this. I am running Windows 64 bit on a Lenovo Flex and havent had this problem before.

Same here and I am very new but finding out that Luban doesnt like really large file sizes so might check the difference in size between nomal and the other settings

Yes, i may have just figured that out. Did a lithophane at 0.1 pixel/mm and it was over 100k kb. Did the same file at 0.3 pixel/mm and its going now.

Some things that seem simple are really very complex when it comes to the model because of the number of faces. A sphere will give Luban (or any slicer) much more difficulty than a cube. Lithophanes end up being pretty complex with all the detail. Even more so if you do a curved one.
