Hello, I’m scratching my head trying to figure out where to go from here. All help from support or experienced users would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve attached a link to the video of me reproducing the problem here:
I ordered a Snapmaker J1s about 2 weeks ago and it arrived at my house yesterday. I unboxed it according to the instructions, connected it to wifi, and began running through the first use wizard. The first odd thing I noticed was during heated bed leveling. The left extruder went to the datum and right points just fine, and then went to the left point. The left point seemed way too high, or the extruder is too low - the extruder was really shoving down on the bed and pushing it out of calibration and I had to crank the knob to get it green and quickly hit “Next” on the touchscreen. On each “up and down” motion the left extruder never really left contact with the left point.
I did the Z offset calculation, which seemed to go just fine.
I finally am stuck here - I’m running XY offset calibration over and over again and everytime, the left extruder moves to the middle, goes down into the XY center area of the heated bed, and then reports a failure and returns home. It seems to go too low into this hole and touch the bed with the side of the hot end. I can’t get past this step.
I tried running the offset print as a next step to just see if I could print anything at all and get past the first use wizard (there is no way to exit this wizard until all the steps are completed.) That only gouged a line into the glass build plate from the left extruder, where I had to quickly power down the machine.
What I would like is any ideas on troubleshooting the height of the left extruder or left build plate motor, any way to factory reset the machine to start completely from scratch (maybe make sure the latest firmware is installed), any other tips J1 users have for me. And I need a way to do this while soft-locked inside the first use wizard, which does not have an option to exit (that I can see.)
The last thing to note was on unpacking my J1s, the left extruder’s belt clip was not fastened with a zip tie like the instructions said there would be. I noticed this belt clip was shifted from the right. This could have some effect on the situation. Also, many of the belts looks frayed on this machine like they were rubbing up against stuff in transit, or possibly old and non-flexible?