Since I had some help from the community in problem solving and developing this profile I thought it would be best to share it with others. Since a newer batch of users seam to have gotten there hands on the dual extruder.
Schulte Snapmaker Dual (1.5 KB)
I had to zip it to be-able to upload it. Should be able to un-zip and use the import profile in cura.
I’ll also put this here since its a very useful link (probably biggest single linked site on this forum)
read it, use it, re-read it. It will solve 50% of your problems at least.
You will need this: Remember this design is from snapmaker directly This Is their fix to the problem
Block.stl (158.2 KB)
Yes It sucks that we need it, yes snapmaker should of designed it better, yes we paid XXX for this.
But at the end of the day we need it, it fixes a big issue, and allows us to use the printer correctly as intended. Until they fix a new design (if they do) or provide a fix (I really doubt). But if you already ordered it or received it. There you go that’s file that you need.
A couple of things.
No warranty, please use this as a starting point or a reference for your own decisions on how to setup your printer. Don’t blame me if you crash bed or something. This works on my machine, that’s the only guarantee I can give. If that isn’t okay with you Don’t Use My Profile Then!
This was setup for my printer (Original Snapmaker 2.0 A350 with the original linier guides.) Not yours, while technically they are supposed to be the same. Who knows please use your discretion in using this profile.
This new extruder is very filament drag sensitive.
Please read Dual Extruder design / Dry box setups
It can cause allot of different little issues. From variable layer lines to first layer not sticking.
Again the design isn’t the best but it is what we have.
The temps are wrong in the firmware for the built in tests I believe. I had to abandon the built in alignment tests and down load equivalents from Printables, or Thingaverse.
Retraction defaults seam to be off in luban. 1mm is working for me. Not the 14mm or what ever the default is.
Other good strings to read if you want the most accuracy out of this machine.
I recommend:
#Mxbrnr did a very detailed write up on what to expect from bed leveling.
If you want to push the accuracy:
#Elliot did a nice design of a z Axis support and a single extruder support. I don’t know if anyone has adjusted his model yet for the dual extruder. If you know of one please include it below.
Rocking and base plate issues:
These guys and gals maybe had a big discussion on things you can try.
Auto bed leveling sensor if you so desire.