This is extremely frustrating and I am getting really angry with that door mechanism safety on my brand new snapmaker artisan
Impossible to get the laser working because I always get the error “enclosure door open”, I changed the door electronics, checked everything according to a week of XX mail exchanges with support . RESULT = 0
and in the last and newest firmware it is not possible to bypass that safety. what a stupidity with such a quality deficient part, impossible to bypass that step
I am tired of days of waiting for answers from support or replacement pieces , they send me a mini electronic piece, one of the fixing crews inside was forced during assembly and so I had to procure special tools to screw it out. but replacement brought no improvement. I had to buy a multimeter to measure if there is a Voltage , there was none.
the exhauster does also not work
I just want to be a satisfied customer .
and I am not
so to make this thing short: this is a machine I would never ever buy again
The controller isn’t working and you have an artisan. Talk to support.
Does the enclosure light work?
Anyway support has to guide you.
(2.0 owner here)
yes lights work and can be commanded from the central unit
exhauster does not
error of door closure persist what ever I tried until now
I guess it must be the enclosure controller
I talk to support since more then 10 days