I installed latest firmware and xyz control part stopped working. I tried using older version l do not know what was installed originally. it still doesn’t work. I have been told update each module seperate I did that too and now nothing works. My question is how do I figure out what version firmware should I use for main controller and what version on modules xyz? I tried 1.15 , 1.14 1.13 . the issue is modules do not move. I have A350. I think when I tried even older version like 1.6 I noticed modules started reponding. how do I check what version firmware is in xyz modules ? and what’s the correct version. luban doesn’t communicate anymore.
I spent so much time on this. This product doesn’t work right so many issues. Snakmaker engineers are confused. so many firmware and no source control. what goes where ? Any idea how to restore firmware will appriciate. How can I figure out what firmware to load.
thank you so much
To be more specific, with some firmware version (I do not remember which) they introduced a check if all modules respond properly. Before that, even if there was some problem with the cabeling and one module did not respond via CAN bus, the machine worked, and as stepper signals still might go through, even without problems. So double check all plugs.
Hi, Thank you for replay. cables are ok. I have been using it before. I only did the update because of new laser module I got 10w it didn’t recognise. now X module is down totally.