Reset to factory settings?

I’m having an issue with the Snapmaker 2.0 A350 and would like to try resetting to factory settings. Is there a way to do this? I have tried reverting firmware, I have tried upgrading firmware, and still having the issue. Is there another way to reset settings that I’m missing? I looked through the entire menu on the touchscreen, but haven’t found anything yet.

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have you figured this out? I need to do this on mine

To perform a Full Factory Reset to the currently installed version of firmware, you need to Factory Reset both the Touch Pad and the Controller:

  1. Connect your computer to the Controller via USB (must be USB).
  2. Issue an M502 factory reset to the Controller.
  3. Put the Touch Pad into Developer Mode. This is done via the About page, and tapping the printer image 5 times. You’ll see a popup window when it changes modes.
  4. Reset and clear out the Touch Pad. You will need to navigate around to find this, as it seems to change with each version of firmware.
  5. Reinstall the currently installed version of firmware from a USB drive (must be from a USB drive). All versions of the firmware are available in the Snapmaker 2.0 Firmware Updates and Downloads thread.
  6. Update all of the modules.
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