Please dismantle the side board of the printing module and check if the switch works or not. When you insert the filament, you can hear ticking sound. If you not, you need to loosen the screws that fixes the switch slightly.
Had the Runout issue a couple of times yesterday. So took the side plate off as in the video. There is indeed a distinct “click” when the filament slides in and out. Regardless, I loosened the screws and tried to basically reseat the switch. But since the click was occurring anyway I’m not sure this is a hardware issue, or if it is, its within the switch itself.
I just assembled my newly arrived a250.
Tried the laser module without issues, I then went for the printing one but, as people above, I’m getting the run out of filament issue even with the filament in.
Trying to reload the filament doesn’t fix the issue, neither does power cycling.
I tried with updating the firmware but still no luck.
My 2.0 arrived just about a week ago. I have had this problem non stop, except for a couple of days. I thought it was needed some “driving in” before it worked. But now it appears again.
I can print for about a minute then it stops. It appears on different filaments, worst with the one shipped from snapmaker.
Since the text above is a little bit messy, and instructions scary to follow since it indicates that the machine stops to work if followed. Can we get a guide on how to check the status on the filament loader?
Did you encounter this “filament runout” issue? How about the frequency?
You can connect the machine with the PC and then launch Snapmaker Luban. Enter command “M119” in the console and operate it. At the final line of the text, you can see “filament: TRIGGERED”, which means the filament is in and switch works fine.
Reporting endstop status
x_min: open
x_max: open
y_min: open
y_max: open
z_min: open
z_max: open
z_probe: open
filament: TRIGGERED
This is excellent news, I have now thrown away about 1/3 of my filament due to recoverylosses. I have even tried to cut of a meter of filament to load it manually or with extremely little friction but it still stops almost all the time.
I´ll turn off the sensor if i figure out how to follow the instructions above, thanks!
Before I turned the sensor of, I had prints going for maximum five minutes before the filament runout message arrived. Ofthen it came after one minute. Now after turning it of i´ve had a 6 hour print without hazzles. Its a comfort, after struggeling for a week screaming in frustration my family prompted me to leave them or return the damn machine
I have this same issue as well. I submitted my issues to support. Same frequency where it stops about every 5 minutes.
I was thinking it was a firmware or touchscreen controller issue because I was only getting the error based on running my projects off of the usb or transferring by WiFi and not when running the prints from serial connection. But now I have had a project just stop a few times now while running off of the serial connection and think the issues is related to the module / runout sensor like discussed here.
Also, having prints stop while running of the serial connection are not power loss recoverable which is why I would like to get the issue fixed so I can run off of the USB.