Dual Extrusion Head: Heat creep discussion thread

No and yes. There is some hard coded “speed limit” in the firmware, but it is very high - see here: Speed Limits on SM2?. In that sense you can got very fast with the “old” firmware, and I have been doing 120 mm/s with 3D printing successfully, and also even faster with Laser. The faster you go, the higher the risk of skipped steps they say. Regarding where you look, you’ll find “official” statements from various Snapmaker crew members that range from “not more than 60 mm/s is recommended” to up to 100 mm/s. With the newer T-version of the linear modules they increased their official statements I think to 120 mm/s - not sure however.

The “new” beta firmware introduces vibration compensation, which will increase print quality at all, incl. higher speeds. However, the computing load on the Controller seems to increase, and as such the risk of skipped steps, as Riskey elaborated in the beta firmware thread, but that was at an early stage and may not hold true for the “final” vibration compensation firmware.

That said: I often go fast (100-120 mm/s), because I’m impatient, and it works without immediate problems for me, the print quality impact is neglegible. However, my X-axis shows signs of wear, and my Y-axis also - and I am not a high volume printer, I guess my printer has seen perhaps 4-5 kg of filament passing through it, plus perhaps 25 milling jobs and 100 laser jobs or so. When the quick swap kit arrives I plan a complete disassembly of my SM2 and to check what exact kind of wear is there. My gut feeling are the plastic nuts on the lead screw. if that’s the case, I’ll replace them with brass ones like Josef Walter Hausknecht on facebook has done. Can see some of that also here Snapmaker 2 milling kit for the brass nut in the linear axis by gojoetofly - Thingiverse.

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