New version of Snapmaker Luban
Mar. 3: v3.2.0
- Feature: Add connection timeout config on “ Settings ” (defaults to 3s), which allows “ Connection ” widget to wait for serial port response longer. (#229)
- Fix: Reduce stripped black lines when stitching camera capture images. (#231)
- Fix: Fix wrong coordinates when laser engraving for the first time. (#232)
- Fix: Cancel the limits on laser material thickness. (#233)
- Fix: Fix the problem that on “ Connection ” widget, the dropdown box is too long to be selected (#235)
- Fix: Use “M3 P100” when generating CNC G-code, prevents user accidentally set spindle speed at a lower rate (while SM2.0 controller prevents spindle to work at low speed). (#235)
Snapmaker Luban for macOS
- Download: snapmaker-luban-3.2.0-mac-x64.dmg
- MD5: ea597a547c2fb330b10aac67a27b991a
Snapmaker Luban for Windows 64-bit
- Download: snapmaker-luban-3.2.0-win-x64.exe
- MD5: 94dad30850761eea81cbb76a76186d42
Snapmaker Luban for Windows 32-bit
- Download: snapmaker-luban-3.2.0-win-ia32.exe
- MD5: 52ad7b8041c7b3b2ecd7b3ee8b1d3cd0
Snapmaker Luban for Linux 64-bit
Option 1 (recommended)
- Download: snapmaker-luban-3.2.0-linux-amd64.deb
- MD5: 14d8fd87cb15e3a460cbd719085213d5
Option 2
- Download: snapmaker-luban-3.2.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
- MD5: 235ed639e9ffdb4e773f4748a6a95a21
Snapmaker Luban for Linux 32-bit
Option 1 (recommended)
- Download: snapmaker-luban-3.2.0-linux-i386.deb
- MD5: 7738366acfc9356894311bf3e2f5bf15
Option 2
- Download: snapmaker-luban-3.2.0-linux-ia32.tar.gz
- MD5: 735187faf98ad6c7f2dabaeccb0eeaae
Hint : To start Snapmaker Luban on Linux, you need to:
- Add your user to group
:sudo usermod -aG dialout [your username]
- Start executable:
(.deb version) or./snapmaker-luban
(compressed version)