Auto levelling issue Snapmaker 2.0

It is trying to level but fails on the first point. asks me to manually level the last point. When I do, then I cannot hit save. Snapmaker error levelling

Let the nozzle go down a bit like in the mamual if it touches the buildplate then you can hit save

So lower the nozzle till it touches (not using the calibration card). Then the save button will start working?

I just did that. The save button is still not responding to touch.

I am going to remove the 3D printing module to see if something is wrong with it visually.

I may switch to a different module to see if that makes a difference.

Can’t really tell anything from that video.
Share photos of your machine and where it’s asking to level the last point. From front at bed level and from front at z-height looking down.


I made a more comprehensive video. It stops at the first point

I hope this makes more sense.

Your print head hits the print plate. That’s not supposed to happen.
It should halt before it gets that low and then move to the first calibration point (front left) and then run the entire routine before the final manual step.

Either your printplate is higher than the firmware expects (which version of the firmware are you running?) Or you have assembled something wrong. Can you provide picture of the carriage with the print plate mounted and how the linear rails are attached to the bottom plate?

When you control the machine manually (“control”) on the screen, can you move it in all directions without any problems?

I have printed multiple four successfully. I have not changed the setup . As such the assembly is not wrong.

The Firmware version is Snapmaker2_V1.101_20200822

When manually controlling I can move all directions without issue.

This is really weird. I don’t see anything obviously wrong with your setup. After it came down it should move all the way to the front, but it doesn’t in your case.

I would suggest you log this with support and/or log an issue on the github page of the controller firmware (Issues · Snapmaker/Snapmaker2-Controller · GitHub)

If you waive something metal under the prox sensor, does it light up


It looks to me like the proximity sensor is not over the print bed (beyond the back of the build sheet)

Why? Its too far forward for some reason, thats why it isnt progressing.

i am unclear what could be causing that.

Are you sure Y and Z arent swapped around?

did you just add the enclosure or was that set up previously?

Did you previously manually calibrate?

Perhaps the switches are not triggering and its overtraveling?

Maybe consider rolling back to firmware 1.9 to see if the issue persists unless we can figure out mechanically why it is moving so far forward.

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True, but that’s actually the default behavior. I actually submitted a bug-report for that including a fix. This has been included in the current development version, but not yet in the last release (Start automatic calibration above the bed in stead of right behind it (move X &Y before down Z) · Issue #27 · Snapmaker/Snapmaker2-Controller · GitHub)

It goes down “fast”, and then moves towards the first calibration point just above the bed surface. You see that after the fast downward movement it starts going down slower.

@Eeriest_Elk have you been playing with the calibration settings through g-code commands in the terminal?

It’s starting at the wrong corner. It should start at the “1” on your screen.
Triple check your cabling.
Or try re-installing your firmware.

I have not done anything with the calibration through g-code. I did change the grid size today to see if that magically fixed the problem

The Y and Z are not swapped. I can move the correct X Y and Z with the manual Control on the touch screen.

Where does the bed end up when you home?


My first idea was an incorrect mounting of the axes as well. Before calibration a homing action is always executed and in the movie it does seem to start from the location I would expect. (I first thought Y & Z would have been swapped, but that doesn’t correspond to what I expected to see in the video)

The auto calibration starts with moving to home. So the video shows the location when I do the home. I am really at a loss at this point. I wish there was some kind of reset.

have you tried contacting snapmaker support? they might have some kinda diagnostic thing you can do.

certainly is bizarre
 some kinda logical error it seems like, something got set and something is preventing it from reset for one reason or another

maybe for an attempt to prevent it from crashing, you could line up some metal behind the print sheet so that the sensor can see it, maybe it will snap out of its funk and start working. maybe just overhanging the print sheet so its far enough to be seen would do it even

also did you try to roll back the firmware? 1.9 is supposed to be most stable

I have not rolled back the firmware. Mostly for lack of time (this is a hobby). I will have to figure out how to do that next.

I am having this same issue, has there been any kind of resolution?

I printed about 10 prints and noticed the levelling seemed a bit off so I tried to recalibrate but it won’t allow me to save.