I received my A350 a week or so ago, and I have had it working and printed a half dozen small items. I tried to recalibrate it today, and it kept failing on the first point, pushing the print head way down until the motor skipped, and then aborted and jumped to the final z-axis step. I could not save at this point after I did the manual z setting.
I have previously lowered the sensor to 1mm (credit card) height as I saw on the forums. I can also verify that I see the red light come on as the sensor approaches the bed, but it seems to ignore it and keeps on going. I am running the latest (1.9.x) firmware. The print bed is in the correct orientation with the nuts on the downward side.
So now that I have factory reset, it is forcing me to go through a calibration. It will not let me skip it and move to a manual calibration. I am stuck in this endless loop. I have power cycled dozens of times. It does save progress, so it keeps the name I set for the machine as well as the network info. When I boot up, it starts on the ‘Get Started’ button, then takes me to calibration. Calibration inevitably fails in the same spot every time (the first contact point), then aborts and goes to the z adjustment.
I cannot save to get past this point. If I hit the back arrow in the upper left, it takes me to the previous screen to start calibration. I reboot and I start this process again.
I cannot swipe left or right to get to the control settings.
I would love autoleveling to work, but at this point I just want to be able to skip it, do it manually, and print.