3D Printer Live Cam

I discovered a great way to watch and keep an eye on your 3D printing while away or not next your printer on your phone or tablet. I used mini lightweight wifi camera which sticks to the front door with, an adhesive magnetic patch. Excellent video quality.


It’s great that you found this cool camera, too bad we will never know what model it is :slight_smile:

Fine for you and thanx for informing us… Which camera model did you use?

Thx in advance

Hi the camera I used was a mini EZVIZ C1C 1080p indoor wifi camera. Great little camera, comes with adhesive magnetic patch, which I stuck to the door above bed height. You run the power cable along the internal tracking and out the corner left/right hole rubber sockets. You will need to download the ezviz app on your phone to watch the LIVE.



This is a neat little idea! I was thinking of doing something similar myself with an IP camera connected and powered via PoE to monitor long-term jobs. I would’ve thought placing it higher up in like, the corner of the top corner of the enclosure would give you a bit of a birdseye view of things, but the door mount works well too :smiley:

Better solution is octoprint. Can monitor your prints and a lot more.


I’m thinking about it but can’t overcome the hassle of setting it up, and support is not very 100% as it seems.
Do you use it? How does the fail recognition (spaghetti detective and such) works for you?

Setup is very simple, it’s been a couple years since I did that. But having the remote camera available view is worth any short term pain.

I made a camera support that is mounted on the X axis. Thus, as the print builds up the camera follows the height and you can see the nozzle. I use a Wyze camera, but any camera can be used.


I just got the Beagle Cam V2. It’s mostly compatible with the Artisan. You can start prints from the camera but you cant see/set the temperatures. I always had to set the bed temp manually when i started a job. However it makes cool timelapses


Do you always get the EZVIZ badge on the video?

I know this is an old post, but I have the Beagle cam V2 as well for my Artisan, and it will not connect to the printer. I can only use it to view via Wi-Fi. I know the artisan is not yet supported, but you are at least getting more out of yours than mine will do.

Which USB port did you connect it to, and was it plug and play from that point, or did you have to tinker/tweak to get even that little bit of control?


I think there was only one USB port on the Artisan?

It was fairly plug and play but I don’t use it much for starting prints because I could not have it use just the inner zone for the heat bed. I could set the temperatures but not read it. I was not sure how to use the second nozzle.

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Thanks for the reply!

Yeah the artisan is definitely not exactly the standard setup, not surprised that it’s not fully compatible. I mostly just planned to use the beagle Cam for catching and stopping failed prints. Currently I’ve got everything plugged into a smart power outlet so if I am away and a long print fails, I can at least shut it down by remotely killing the power. But it’s kind of a janky solution lol.

So on my Artisan, I’ve got 3 USB ports. 2 type A ports (one on the side and one on the back) and then a mini USB port on the back. I have the beagle plugged into the mini USB port as I didn’t have a type A to type A cable to use any other port.

Was yours the mini port on the back, or the type A?

I plugged it into the mini-USB port on the back


Dang so same as mine. Wonder why mine didn’t work. Well thanks!

Just got my Artisan up and running.
My other/old printer is a Robo 3D R1+ where I used an OctoPi to manage prints and handle monitoring and alerting.
Is there a tutorial/guide on setting up Octoprint with the Artisan? Been googling around but haven’t stumbled across anything specific to the Artisan yet. Just wondering if there are any specific settings or gotchas to worry about?
Not looking to use Cura with the Artisan. Luban seems to be doing just fine so far.
Mainly, I’m looking more for the monitoring and alerting capabilities I have on my Robo to use with the Artisan. Web cam and status alerts via telegram mostly.
Gonna keep digging but figured I’d toss this out in case someone has a suggestion I’ve not found yet.

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Hey 3d maker.
Thanks for this I’ve just ordered one for myself.
If anyone is here from Canada Amazon.ca has $14 off the $39.99 price , that makes a nice deal I’d say .
Thanks again
Ps it’s now minus 42 degrees here in sunny Alberta , just as well I have an Artisan as a new winter hobby !!

Hey, I have a Raspberry PI with Octoprint connected to my Artisan. I have set up the functionality so that I can switch the LED on and off. I installed a camera on the Raspberry. This means I can monitor the printer on the Octoprint at any time and switch on the LED if necessary. I continue to do slicing with Luban and Cura

Your welcome.