Feature Request: Snapmaker Remote Monitoring App

I have a feature request.

Why is Snapmaker not developing a simple App where the Artisan can be remotely monitored (or controlled) with? The majority of users is not sitting next to the device.

A simple App where the current status of the device can be viewed (e.g. estimated printing time and other parameters).
No, i don’t want to install additional hardware via USB to monitor the device via Octoprint.

It is available in the network, so it should be possible to access it without additional hardware.
And i also don’t want to keep Luban running all the time just to monitor it.

Has been requested already 1 1/2 years ago, without any statement from Snapmaker:


I highly recommend picking up a raspberry pi 4, and flashing it with OctoPi. Then connect it via the provided USB cable to the back of your artisan.

You can then connect a cheap webcam (I have a logitech C270 which is well supported and works great) to the Pi and place it in your enclosure.

This gives you a web UI for your SM as well as a video feed. You can also install a plugin called octoeverywhere which will allow access to your snapmaker worldwide.

It’s how I manage my SM remotely. In fact I just killed a print because the textured side of the glass bed is absolutely horrible, haha.

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Octoprint has some cons:

  • Missing “no filament” support
  • no live levelling for Z
  • no native support for CNC / laser

I just do not understand why there is no app. A simple app can be programmed by any student / volunteer.
The app does not has to be perfect with Bad AI Features like spaghetti detection, global control possibilies with cloud services etcpp. Just detect a snapmaker in WiFi and show me same Interface then on Touchscreen with an additional Video Feed.
It is ridicolous that snapmaker as a “cool fancy Startup” is so modern like a German craft Business with a 70 years old boss.