I just assembled a brand new Snampmaker 2 A250, followed manual. On the calibration step, the printer head moved only the x-axis and manual pressing up/down does not do anything. Checked the cable connection several times, looks good.
pictures are always helpful to make sure it really is assembled right. Triple check the cables again.
Are the splitters correctly installed?
With power off completely unplug and reseat cables.
For some people this has done the trick.
Thanks, I tried several times but did not work (
left side is horizontal linear modules (Y)
right side vertical linear modules(Z)
The Y-rails are not mounted correctly. They should fit perfectly in the cutouts on the base plate. Right now they are overhanging on the front.
That may not be the only problem, but it definitely is something to fix
And as a second question. Do you have the A250 or the F250? Because the latter one has different types of linear modules and are not interchangeable. There should be markings on the side. (not the case for the A250)
Thanks for pointing on the mistake, I will try to fix it, I have A250
So, I corrected Y rails, but yes, it did not affect Z axis
Can it be a problem with firmware?
Could be. I don’t recall seeing this exact issue before being a firmware issue, but there’s no risks to downloading a previous firmware version and trying it.
Every time I’ve seen this before it’s been a hardware issue.
If your machine is as you say and Y and Z linear modules all have the same lead - if you swap y and z on the controller does the issue swap to the y-axis?
I tried to exchange Z <-> Y, no difference. I think it’s bad luck and my controller is defective.
You plugged the z modules into y and the vertical modules still don’t work? That’s not a controller problem
@Sergio mentioned that only the X-axis was moving, so it could be an issue with the controller. (Although my bet is still on cables not plugged in completely correctly.)
You can also validate that all linear modules are working. If you connect it to the X-axis port on the controller. You should remove the X-axis from the Z-axis and remove the bed from the Y-axis before doing this though because they will move independently.
So basically make sure they can all move freely independently and then start making combinations to figure out if it is the controller or the linear module that’s not working. (or a combination)
You can connect them without the splitters as well as those are also a potential point of failure.
Make sure you do all your plugging and unplugging with the power off.
Guys, thank you very much! I tried one more time to unplug and plug all cables again, after this everything started working. I was able to calibrate, update firmware, make my first print on snap maker.