This is a new issue I’m having that has just manifested itself. I’m running the latest Orca firmware and vibration compensation but have had a few successful prints since doing that. Any thoughts on what might be causing this and how to resolve it?
Thanks I’ll give it a try. On a related note someone on Facebook asked if I had the bracing kit and said they had a similar problem which has required them to clean the Y axis gears and they are now waiting for grease apparently. If your suggestion doesn’t work I’ll probably have to check out the Y axis myself as until a few weeks ago I had been doing a lot of CNC work. Now I have a dedicated CNC machine I restarted 3D printing a few weeks ago and planning some laser work but perhaps it’s been gunked up with wood dust.
I have good news and bad news. The good news is I’m printing with no slippage. The bad news is I have too many variables. My filament was almost out so I switched to a different model in the other nozzle. So filament, nozzle, model or acceleration. I will work to eliminate the variables and hopefully filament or nozzle will be the culprit!
More bad news - it has started slipping again. I have reported this to support and we’ll see what they have to say. You can see the issue in this cube.
Well if this is in Y, at least with a bedslinger you don’t have to worry that filament tension is contributing to missed steps. One less variable to have to consider.
Welllll - I had installed the Snapmaker-Orca firmware but am still learning so slicing stuff with Simplify 3D. I sliced the cube with Orca and it printed fine. I’ll keep testing but thanks for the suggestion.
I’m thinking it may be the Orca firmware having an issue with Simplify 3D. I’m reporting it to SM as a potential bug. I have 3 confirmed files slipping sliced with Simplify3D and none with Orca.
If you like to use simplify3d you have to reduce the acceleration to a working limit.
It depends on short infill moves like described in the linked topic.