I have repeatedly come across the following issue/bug:
Import any .STL in Luban CNC tab (Result: greyscale object at origin, w=-110 to 110; h=-90 to 90)
Rotate object by 90° (using Configurations->Transformation->Rotate or using the blue round icon in the workspace), Object now rotated and at origin, w=-90 to 90, h=-110 to 110.
Process Object (now in process view, object retains correct 90° rotation).
Create Toolpath (parameters seemingly irrelevant for this issue)
Upon clicking preview, the created path is back to original rotation (w=-110 to 110, h=-90 to 90), so effectively ignoring user set rotation
Is there a fix for this Luban bug in the works or a workaround except rotating the object 90° in the .stl file in the original 3d modeling software?
In CNC trying again does not fix the issue, and it occurs every time. Also, it is worse impactwise because 3dp printing an object with an undesired horizontal orientation would still “work”, while, due to holding clamp and material size limitations many objects in CNC mode can’t just be produced properly if they cannot be rotated properly.
I didn’t mean to diminish the problem, just thought that the extra information might help any of the development team picking up on this. BTW object orientation can be just as important in 3D printing to minimise requirement for support and layer orientation which can have a big effect on the strength of the end product.
I just remembered another bug which may affecting your work. I’ve found that if you create a toolpath for an object, view the simulation and then make a change to the object, the simulation does not change even after re-calculating the toolpath. I found that changing the visibility of the toolpath off with the ‘eyeball’ icon and the clicking it on again will regenerate the simulation. I don’t think the visualisation of the toolpath itself is affected.
Hi @kwi . I made test and recreated the problem. Just knowing that there is a problem with the Rotation feature for the STL file. I’ve reported this problem to our R&D team for a further investegation. Sorry for the inconvenience.
To adjust the STl file, you can use the 3DP editor to get the correct angel and the direction, then export the STL file for CNC feature.