Why is my speed not what I set it to? (Snapmaker 2.0 A350 and Luban 3.14.0)

Using Snapmaker 2.0 A350 and Luban 3.14.0, I sliced a benchy to test some TPU, I set up all my settings for my first test, learned that it’s best to set all speeds to the same value for consistency. I set everything to 30mm/s, and most of the time it says it’s going 3mm/s.

I checked, double checked, and rechecked all my settings, as far as I can tell, nothing is affecting the speed except the speed settings themselves, which are all set to 30mm/sec.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You can open the file in a text editor or Visual Studio Code to check the working speed of the file.

G0 F1440 X19.211 Y18.276 Z0.2 # F1440 euqals 24mm/s or 1440mm/min
G1 F1500 E0
G1 F1080 X19.263 Y18.225 E0.00242
G1 X19.651 Y17.901 E0.01924
G1 X20.085 Y17.642 E0.03605
G1 X20.555 Y17.454 E0.05288
G1 X21.048 Y17.343 E0.06969
G1 X21.505 Y17.31 E0.08493
