You mention print, but I’m assuming you mention CNC.
There are some tutorials and some great posts on the forum. Go through those and open a new topic with a specific question when you get stuck. But the forum has a great search function as well. Here are some links to get you started:
Design & Manufacture
This is a newbie's guide on 3D modeling and CAM setup for Fusion 360. In this video, you will learn how to create a sketch, create a solid body, import tool library, set...
This guide below will show you how to generate a simple CNC model with Autodesk Fusion 360, and proceed to CNC cutting with your Snapmaker.
If you intend to follow this through, then you will need ...
In a bit of a follow up to my Laser Guide and Rotary CNC Guide , I’ve decided to do a quick 3d relief guide for the snapmaker using Fusion 360. This guide assumes you know some basics of running the CNC, such as being able to jog the machine with the control app, set work origin, and set origins for the axes independently. There will also be some optional G-code changes and sizing done in other programs to achieve a better result.
Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for any possible damage to…
I want to record a few things I’ve learned about setting up tool and post processor libraries in Fusion 360 that might save the next person some time.
Specific issues I’ve found so far this guide aims to correct:
File locations are wrong for MacOS (on the Autodesk site itself!)
SM nor some Autodesk articles do not mention F360 Cloud library features which are super helpful if you run Fusion from multiple computers.
SM includes a “tool library” file in the download page, yet does not document …
@brent113 asked me a few questions about my process for cnc & laser. It was in response to some of the pieces I’d posted in this thread: Multi tool projects
We thought it would probably be good to share some of my answers and methods and some tips. Hopefully it will be helpful.
This information should probably be considered intermediate to advanced. At some point I may make a guide to using Fusion 360 with svg’s and creating tool paths, and also using Easel by Inventables, but this assumes you…
There are also some great tutorials on youtube about the use of Fusion360. I’ve learnt a lot from the channel of Winston Moy:
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