Noticed that a new firmware was available when I started my machine up a few minutes ago, so I applied it. It downloaded, installed, and confirmed success without issue. However, when I go into Files on the touchscreen, all my files are gone. All it says is “google_app_measurements.db” and the storage bar shows plenty of room left.
I restarted the machine, but get the same thing.
I tried sending over new files from the Snapmaker Luban desktop software. Both the desktop and the touchscreen say this transfer is successful, but when I got back into the File section from the touchscreen, all I see is the “google_app_measurements.db” entry.
UPDATE: Additionally, attempting to Calibrate after the firmware results in a “No tool head detected” error.
Yup, tapped Local. Even tried to tap USB (although I don’t have one handy to plug in) and tapping Local again to see if it would toggle/refresh. I’m not seeing any other obvious option to refresh the Files screen.
Just gave the machine a long power off period, but when booted back up, I get the same situation described above.
Poked around to see if anything else unusual was going on and when I attempted to run a Calibration I got “no head tool detected”.
I think you nailed it. Powered down, unplugged tool head cable at both ends, and then plugged it back in and powered up. I can now see old files and the transferred new ones.
There is a lot of wiggle/play in the connector of the tool head cable (the locking tab doesn’t seem to actually click in place). Does Snapmaker sell replacement cables? I’d like to have one on hand in case it coming loose is a recurring issue.
They were supposed to be making them available in their store.
Not sure if they are.
You can always email and then pay with PayPal and they’ll send them to you.
I ended up just ordering a couple while I was at cuz they were cheap and with shipping buying a couple wasn’t much different than one.