I have been having some trouble getting my snapmaker to connect via USB.This issue occurs in both Luban and Lightburn the device shows up as “COM5” but Luban will not connect in the workspace and similarly Lightburn will send no commands to the machine. This computer is running Windows 11 if that has an impact.
What I have done:
- Usual Basic Troubleshooting - Power Cycling, different USB ports, plugged directly into computer and via USB hub.
*Reinstalled CH340 Drivers - Updated Machine to Latest Firmware (V1.19.0_202403097)
Machine works just fine via Wi-Fi using Luban. Not sure if any port settings need to be setup for the Serial via USB.
Current Settings:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None