I don’t know if anyone else has had this happen, but during a 3D print, if I want to pause it, when I hit the pause button, it will pause the print, but then the screen just freezes. There’s no resume button or anything, it just shows pause and stop (cannot select either) and I can only swipe the screen to the adjust settings screen. I’ve got the latest firmware from SM loaded, so I don’t know if there’s something wrong with my touchscreen maybe?
I might suggest trying firmware 1.9, the latest has some extra bugginess it seems.
may or may not help you.
I was able to resume my print when this happened by unplugging it and using the power resume feature. I hope this is a bug they will fix soon I have several A350s…
Hi, can you please show a video of the issue here? If it is a bug, I will report it immediately. Thanks
I have the same problem. Firmware 1.13.2. Running from a gcode file on the USB, no Wifi or serial connection. Gcode was generated with Luban 4.3 (latest version at date of post).
During a print, I press Pause on the touchscreen. The print pauses, and the print head returns to home. However, the touchscreen doesn’t change; it still shows the Pause and Stop buttons (no Resume). Both Pause and Stop are unresponsive, although I can scroll right and turn enclosure lights on/off with the touchscreen, so it’s not totally frozen.
Turning the machine off, waiting 5-10 mins, and turning it back on triggered the power-failure resume option. I’ve only tried that workaround twice, I don’t know if it’s reliable.