Touchscreen flex cable plug end remained in the controller when disconnecting

Hi team,

When removing the touchscreen from the controller, the cables plug end remained in the controller.

See attached picture of broken plug end. I believe this must be a known design problem with the ease it has fallen out of the plug!

Has anyone else had/heard of this happening?


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I’ve had cable issues as well. My touchscreen will flash the “S” logo when starting up but will go black and unresponsive afterwards.
How did you solve your cable failing completely?

Seeing as the original post is months old, they probably contacted Support for replacement parts, or switched to driving their Snapmaker entirely through the USB mini-B port, which should bypass the screen.

The touchscreen cable end connector seems to be fragile and multiple people have had them pull apart.

Hi both. Snapmaker replaced the screen as within warranty. I am now cautious when doing anything with the screen plug. No issues with screen no. 2