Thin plywood that came with machine

So I don’t know for sure how many pieces were supposed to come with it, but I only received one and it didn’t last long. I ordered a pack of the MDF and have hit the hobby store for the thinnest basswood they had but it is still considerably thicker than what came with. I looked o the snapmaker store and didn’t see any for sale. Does anyone know a good source is? Or if you can remind me of what the thickness is as the piece I had is no longer with us? Thank you in advance.


Okay, I just fished out my unused pack and measured one. Looks like it’s supposed to be 1/16", or about 1.5mm, give or take the accuracy of my inexpensive calipers.

Some of the resellers carry them. Here’s the product listing for the US branch of RobotShop: SnapMaker Blank Wood Squares (10pk) - RobotShop (they’re out of stock, but should have more within a week). Or you can check other retailers on the Distributors page.

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