Online Wiki: Quick Start Guide for 2.0 Quick Swap Kit | Snapmaker Wiki
Dear Snapmaker 2.0 owners,
We have some exciting news to share with you regarding the release of the long-awaited quick swap kit for your machines. Our new Snapmaker 2.0 Quick Swap Kit is finally ready for production, and we can’t wait to share it with you!
With this kit, you will be able to switch between different tool heads and platforms quickly and easily, allowing for even greater flexibility and convenience when using your device. However, it’s important to note that you will need to recalibrate your machine when accessing a quick swap kit for the first time or when you find the work result is not perfect.
The Quick Swap Kit is compatible with the A250/A250T/F250/A350/A350T/F350 models, but unfortunately, it’s not compatible with the A150 due to the fixed structure of its platform and the platform switching time for the A150 is much shorter than that of the A250 and A350.
The Quick Swap Kit is designed to be used both within and without the enclosure. It is also designed to work perfectly with various modules, including the Single Extrusion 3D Printing Module, 1.6W Laser Module, 50W CNC Module, 10W High Power Laser Module, and Dual Extrusion 3D Printing Module.
We are planning to launch the kit in June, so please stay tuned for updates. We know that many of you have been waiting for this product, and we are thrilled to finally be able to make it available to you. Thank you for your patience and continued support, and we look forward to hearing your feedback on the Quick Swap Kit.
BTW. Here are photos and video that I took about two weeks ago when trying out this kit using a internal test unit.
Add a video to show how the quick swap kit is used within an enclosure.
Add three videos provided by one 2.0 owner, who helps us in user test - 孤狼. Please note that the quick swap kit 孤狼 used is a test unit. There will be slightly difference between early test units and production units. The major difference is that for locking the positions of two parts, it uses a screw in the early test unit, while in the production unit, it uses a dowel, which will be more concise and accurate.
Add the link to the product page and pricing.