The heated bed temp runaway issue of Snapmaker 2.0

Here is Edwin from Snapmaker Team.

We have noticed that you have relied in the Forum about the problems you encountered with Snapmaker machine.

1, Nozzle stops at the final poisition.

Already known bug and we will try to fix that.

2, Not responding and re-connect issue.

Already known and happens widely. We will review all that cases and fix that in next version of firmware.

3, Heated bed issue.

Could please offer more info to us so that we can troubleshoot it.

  • When did the bed temp runaway after you started a print?
  • Did the temp value surged or declined, or stopped to heating up?

we are fixing this bug and will release the next version of firmware. The heated bed temperature can reach 110℃ or so, and the power supply module is also protected against short circuits.

  • If this issue happens again, please do as follows to record the error.
    • Be careful and do not touch the heated bed because it is hot.


  • 1, Be noted that there is a breathing light behind the main controller which represents the working status of it. Please check if the breathing light is working.
  • 2, Try to connect the machine with the PC via the provided USB cable. Check if you can connect the - machine with the PC successfully.
  • 3, If yes, please enter the command “M105” in the console and record the info by making some sreenshots.
  • 4, Then enter command “M2000 S0”, and do screenshots as well.

Send the images to the for further assistance.