Re3cently, when I try to print, the heated bed will not heat up. Specifically, during the step when the printer prepares to print, moves the nozzle down and to the left, then heats up to the specified temperature for the nozzle and bed, the nozzle will heat up and the bed will not. If, before I start a print, I set the bed temperature to the desired amount manually, then start a print, the print starts just fine and the heated bed stayts hot throughout the print. Its just during the prep phase that the heated bed does not heat up.
When the problem happened, i had been using the same firmware and luban version for a month already, and had not done any updates. When it happened, i attempted updates to see if that fixed it. So I am running 3.10.2 Luban and firmware 1.10.1. Before that I had 1.8 and 3.8, I think.
And then I sent some manual commands to just heat it up, and got this weird message back. “Not heated BED!” and then i manually turned the heaters off.