Support unreachable?

I happily setup my brand new Snapmaker 2.0 A350 and started right away with a calibration print like shown in their Kickstarter blog. This revealed several issues and I started digging into the details. Shortly after that I contacted the Snapmaker support via E-Mail and got a quick response that they will try it out on their side next week. That was December 2020. No response since than. I did several additional tests to find more issues and filed a warranty application. The next thing I noticed was, that I was missing an official invoice on my delivered parcel which seems to be needed to process a warranty claim. Again, no response. Today I tried to call their office several times but could not even get a ring tone… Am I out of luck?
I would not mind fixing these parts on my side if possible instead of sending them back for reparation. But I need at least a warranty compatible description and approvement for this. Having no response for 5 weeks makes it hard to continue.

They are on chinese new year now, at least starting to phase in

its weird that you had 5 weeks no reply, but usually i will send them more emails if i need them to reply. not sure about the online warranty fillout thing.

if you are trying to call, dont forget they are in china.

but it could be you wont see them for up to 2 months, because chinese new year is a cluster fuck.