Snapmaker快拆免插线改造 - quick swap with integrated cable connector

I thought it’s a render :slight_smile:
Did you cnc or 3d print the parts?

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3D Print :wink:

This seems like originally equipped, very nice work, is it part of the quick swap kit?
How am i able to get this parts too?

This is our plug-free module specially designed for quick swap kit, which is currently in the proofing verification stage to ensure that it is convenient for everyone to install it and then officially release


Those are some nice prints too. How did you get the letters so nicely printed?

The printed surface has been treated

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Do you include CNC and single extruder in this mod?

The single head extruder is completed by Lonely Wolf, and CNC is also available. In the later stage, there will be more complex CNC transformation projects

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This is definitely a result of using a translator: Lonely Wolf :joy:

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We are redesigning and adopting a new solution,

Compatible with single head, CNC, and 1.6W laser

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下次可以 @canislupus

这个忘记使用拼音了 :sweat_smile:

An idea of the date of completion of the project and the price?

The project is expected to be completed on August 15th, as we need to make samples and conduct full testing. We need to wait for different solutions and material testing to be completed before pricing can be determined


Modules using e-chains

wo da bu kai

ni yao fanqiang di ganhuo

This is our plug-free module specially designed for quick swap kit, which is currently in the proofing verification stage to ensure that it is convenient for everyone to install it and then officially release