Snapmaker Original not responding

The original uses a USB drive to update firmware. The latest version is pretty old though, GD32Base-2.11. You can find the latest at Downloads and Updates for Firmware . That seems to be the last location the original’s firmware is posted. Just unzip it, and follow the instructions in How to upgrade the firmware.txt. (Assuming you’re not already running GD32Base-2.11. Controller > Settings > About, first line will tell you which firmware you have.)

The original doesn’t need to update the tool heads. All the smarts are in the controller.

The original doesn’t have a camera on the laser. The focus process is manual. You’ll need the calibration paper. The back side of the paper has the laser focus point. I haven’t actually attempted that yet, but when I do, I’ll start with the laser manual that came with the snapmaker. And if that confuses me, I’ll head to youtube. The snapmaker support site used to have some videos posted. I don’t know if it still does; they’ve been reorganizing since 2.0 came out, and the original doesn’t get much love now.

My guess is when you created your Rubber material, you put in some very small movement numbers. For some reason the 3DP speeds are measured in mm/second, but the laser and CNC speeds are measured in mm/minute. It’s easy to set a movement speed that’s 1/60th of what it should be. Which would look a lot like it’s not moving at all.

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