Using Snapmaker Luban 4.8.2, I observe that some print settings are affected by the “Material Type” of the material assigned to the selected extruder. For example, for any PETG material, all of the default print settings profiles are available (Normal, Fast, Smooth, Precise), and Speed = Fast = 160mm/s. For any TPU material, by comparison, only the “Normal” default profile is available and Speed = Fast = 40mm/s.
There does not appear to be anywhere that I can either change the maximum/fast speed for a material type, or make a new Material Type or set a maximum/fast speed for a new custom material. A new custom material has to fall under one of the existing Material Types.
It would be nice to be able to add minimum to maximum print speed range and have Luban’s “slow”, “medium”, and “fast” forced to be within that range. Something of this nature is obviously already enabled for the built-in Material Types.