I received my SM2.0 A350 on Wednesday. I had an initial issue with the calibration as it dropped down and seriously gouged into my build surface, but I was able to get it to not jam into the bed by reseating all of the cables. I am curious if it is supposed to actually press into the bed, causing thew bed to bend down slightly (light enough that it doesn’t mar the surface) when calibrating, or simply get very close without touching it.
My main issue right now is that the print stops, and the system seems to freeze. Most often it freezes before the skirt is completed. The other times it freezes partway into the print. When it freezes I’ve tried to adjust the z-offset via the touchscreen to see if anything would respond, but it sits there. The system does nothing else until I power it off and turn it back on.
I have tried flashing the firmware again. I have reseated all the cables multiple times. I have tried transferring via wifi, serial, usb stick, and even tried different usb sticks. I also tried multiple different files, including the one included. In almost all cases, the same result.
I say almost all cases as yesterday, after a round of firmware flashing and cable reseating, I decided to try to print with the heated with the temp set to 0. This print completed. I then tried one of my original files from the previous night, no heat on the bed, and it completed. Now I had a possible avenue to look at for why things failed, so I tried the same print again with the bed heated this time. I did expect it to fail, but it completed. That certainly shot my theory at the time right out the window.
Thinking that maybe the issue was resolved, I tried a print I’d been wanting to do, something rather simplistic, and it froze when laying down the first layer.
I do have a support ticket open, but I figured I could cast my net wide with the Community as well since it may be a bit before I get further responses from support with the weekend and holiday coming up soon.
Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
Edit: I should also add that after it would freeze, I’d check the Controller and the light on it was still breathing.