My new SN2 makes a loud noise and the bed stops moveing when attempting to Auto-calibrate. I am able to manually calibrate and I am able to print so I don’t think anything is broken. I just cannot get the auto-calibration to work. Here is a video of what happens.
Additional info as I uncover it
Marlin SM2-3.2.2
echo:Compiled: Aug 31 2020, 18:07:11
others < PACKAGE Snapmaker_V3.2.2
others < Module Ver:
others < 0x003A2333: v1.7.0.0-20032517
others < 0x003A149F: v1.7.0.0-20032517
others < 0x0000F69F: v1.7.0.0-20032517
others < 0x003A2381: v1.7.0.0-20032517
others < 0x003A26F9: v1.7.0.0-20032517
others < 0x003A3843: v1.7.0.0-20032517
Machine Size: L
That sound is the motors skipping steps as they are unable to turn at the speed they are being commanded to. After that all motion will be in the wrong place, which is why the probe is probing the wrong locations and results in crashing into the bed. After a sound like that you need to immediately kill power to avoid damage.
The cause of the skipped steps is not obvious to me. I think you need to email support
I dont have audio so I cant hear the noise but watching the nozzle -
The reason the nozzle is touching the build plate and pushing down on it is because the prox sensor is beyond the limits of the build plate and not detecting it to stop. The reason why that the sensor is beyond the build plate is what is in question I think.
I wonder if something is improperly assembled so the table is shifted a bit forward to where it should be, but otherwise level…? That could allow you to manually calibrate and print I would think.
Just as a quick chime in - I frequently mention the lengthy wait times for support, right now they are quite prompt in returning messages, which is nice because the chinese new year approaches and we only have a little time to get replacement parts before a several week shutdown!
I just wanted to reiterate here, I only have this problem when using the auto-calibration feature. I can manually calibrate with no problems, it can move from point to point with no issue. I can print with no issue. Only the auto calibrate feature has that grinding noise.
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Auto calibration runs at (best I can tell) 600mm/min. If you run Y back at forth at 600mm/min do you get the same vibration?
How do I tell it to go back and forth at 600mm/min?
You can use the control window in Luban, set the feedrate by just typing a number in. You’ll want to set a custom length at the bottom too of like 100mm or so

Thanks, i went though the jog settings and went back and forth between the home button and X/Y button

here is a better video with the jog speed at 3000 and the distance at 3000

You have this issue: "Bump" in Y-axis
The short summary is the lead screws in side the modules are supposed to be 0.5mm, but they are off between the 2 modules every so slightly so after travelling ~150mm it causes a skip in one module as it loses track.
The recommendation from support will be to find 2 modules that travel the same distance and pair those on the Y axis.
You should reach out to support regardless because if you need replacement modules only they can get it to you.
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Is there an easy way to figure out witch modules travel the same distance or is it all just trial and error?
Depends on how loose of a definition of “easy” you have.
Here’s the specific procedure from support: "Bump" in Y-axis
It involves picking pairs of modules at random, more or less.
Someone else did this: "Bump" in Y-axis
Someone else in a different thread lined all 5 modules up with popsicle sticks as markers on them and moved them all together and then paired them up that way.
Yea, it’s not really easy, it’s quite a lot of time and effort, sorry.
Well its better than nothing lol, time to get started.
I will add I still don’t understand why running the bed manually lost one step, but doing auto calibration loses many. That is still different than what the other people in that thread experienced.
Maybe it will go away, maybe not, please update.
I never had problems with the Z-axis so I moved those rails to the Y-axis. Since the origional Y-axis didnt line up i put one of them in the Z-axis and swaped the location of the remaining Y and Z bars.
Auto-calibration works now, thanks for the help.
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I wonder if you have the same problem I had. It looks similar. I had fixed the heated bed onto the wrong holes on the carrier grid. Mine was too far forward by one set of holes so that the front of the bed overhung the carrier grid. When I fixed it to the correct holes everything was OK.