"Bump" in Y-axis

Just received my A350 2 day’s ago. Here is the short story, this product is not ready for the marked - and here is the long story.

1: Yes I also had a “bump” on the Y-axis. The one of the actuators trailed almost 1mm longer than the other, I measured all 5 actuators to one another, only 2 of the five travelled the same distance!

2: I was part for the early adopters with 1st gen Snapmaker, the actuators at that time, also had problems, but they were much more “thigh”. The axis with the 3D printer head almost wobble 1/2 mm when it changes direction, so also the internal sled is having troubles. Way to wobble when comparing with the old one.

3: No firmware was loaded into to the controller.

I will upload some small videos to show the details.

But all in all The Snapmaker Family is having serious QoS problems, and I hope that they don’t break their neck, it’s going to cost them a fortune to replace all these linear modules/actuators.

And then we all are fucked with a machine that newer will fulfil our wating time :

I will send all of my collected data to SnapMaker support, please everyone due this, we have to stop them from shipping more units out before they have fixed this, both for the client sake, but also for SnapMaker – We need them to survive.

I have requsted a Warranty Request, these modules are no good
Br Amdi Denmark