I think that this issue might be caused by the speed difference between the Y axes. Could you please measure the travel length of the Y axes? I think that may be the cause of the failure. Here are the steps for your reference:
Dismantle the heated bed, platform from the Y axes so that we can see the movement of sliders.
Power off the machine, push the sliders to the foremost end of the linear modules and make sure they are in the same level. Place the laser work platform across the two sliders, making sure they are on the same level.
Here is a video for your reference:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/19xjeb5s1dMRbnwk8myizW6YtPPk_VasJ/view?usp=sharing -
Then power on the machine and click “Home” in the touchscreen. Please check if the sliders remain at the same level as the laser platform.
And then you can control the sliders via the touchscreen. Make the two sliders 200 mm lower and check if they remain at the same level as the laser work platform.
Could you please send me some images of the result so that we can confirm if the two sliders can move in sync?