I thought about trying out a garolite based print sheet. It was not so hard to find a source for a self adhesive garolite sheet but I have had no luck with a magnetic spring steel sheet source of the size of 335x365mm. Either the source was unclear whether it was spring steel or whether it was magnetic or limited to 300mm width. In most cases I get non-magnetic spring steel offers. So I was wondering if I could recycle my broken Snapmaker 2.0 A350 print sheet by peeling off the plastic from the steel. Has anyone done this before? What would be a good way to do so? Or is this nearly impossible to get done right?
Hi friend, if you want to purchase a new print sheet, here is the link Print Sheet with Double Sided Printing Stickers for Snapmaker 2.0 – Snapmaker US
Thank you for the link but I have a working original print sheet.
I was looking for a way to make a garolite based print sheet out off my broken print sheet because it is not easy to get a compatible plain spring steel sheet in my area.
I think it’s doable. I recently peeled off one side because mine started showing bubbles and that worked. It wasn’t super easy and took some time, especially to get the remaining glue off.
You can see some pictures here:
I started peeling it off from a corner (had the bed heated) that seemed to make it go easier. I used a scalpel to cut the glue loose at first, but that did scratch the surface somewhat. So better be careful to nut cut into the plate while doing that.
After that I took it outside and used a lot of sticker remover and a glass scraper to get all the glue residue off. It might also work if you start peeling it off to get some sticker remover in between to soak it off.
So is it possible, yes. It did take me 1h30 to 2h to get one side off completely and cleaned. Once you start with the sticker remover, make sure you can do that outside or at least near an open window and that you have a flat surface to work on. (and that won’t get damaged by the sticker remover)
Thank you for the hints. I already got mine peeled off because a previously miscalibrated levelling burned off some places which gave me enough room to insert a scraper. But I still haven’t had the time to remove the remaining glue.