How to clean the print sheet after printing?

Hi , I managed to make my first print on my snapmaker A350t , the vase , but now I have no idea how to clean the print sheet , this is how it looks like . I have tried to remove the residue using the palette knife but wasn’t successful, I have read on this forum and some people said dishwasher or soap with water would do the job ? Is this correct ? I don’t want to damage the print sheet. Thx

No one said dishwasher. Dishwashing liquid like you’d use in a sink for hand washing - Dawn is a fav cuz of how it handles grease/oils.

Lots of info and threads already on this, try a search.
For starters:


I found the palette knife removes any filament residue left on the hotbeds print sheet. The trick is to use it flat with the point to lever under the residue. Sometimes one bit may be more stubborn than others but trying it from different sides often does the trick. Once you have lifted it enough to grip with a finger, you gently pull it off the hotbed and the rest it will follow. Be careful not to dig the tip into the bed. This should not happen if you keep your blade flat.

Next, you will, after a while, get slight marks that look like scratches but the print sheet remains undamaged. Run your finger over them to detect any bits of residue that you may not see or fully removed. After that, just wipe it down with the supplied cloth.

You’ll also note the snapmaker print sheet is double sided so you can turn it over and utilise the other side. Apparently this is to help avoid warping and also means you have another side to print on should one side get damaged.

As with anything, care should be taken or it ends up costing money to replace things.

Normally, the magnetic print bed, as well as the glass print bed (coated or not) is cleaned with isopropanol. I have been using this for years (“öfer-Chemie-abgefüllt-handliche/dp/B084BYGQ1D/ref=sr_1_8?crid=340MBCGJJT6Y3&keywords=isopropanol+99%2C9&qid=1644213668&sprefix=Isopr%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-8”) and have always had good experiences with it.
The print bed no matter which it is so always absolutely free of grease and that is very important especially with the first layer, sometimes a touch with your finger is enough and the print material no longer adheres to this place!