Problems with Snapmaker 2.0 1.6W Laser Etching with Acrylic

Good afternoon,

I’m extremely new to this whole Snapmaker stuff, and I’ve not really had too good of an experience so far.
I’m trying to make a tag thing for a friend, and I’m using acrylic.

This is a separate piece than what I was originally using as I took off both sides of the papers attached to it. But I’m running into a two fold problem. My machine isn’t even a year old yet and when I run projects with the laser, many times it just won’t turn on. There is a high chance of user error, but it still seems that there might be an issue that’s beyond what I’m doing. (2.5 MB)

I’m not sure what exactly I’m doing wrong, or if I’m doing anything wrong at all. Still, I honestly can’t get the laser to turn on at all until I adjust the Laser Power on the slider in these settings, but I thought that it should automatically change the power settings with the processes that you set up for the project

Your power in the g-code is only at 5% which isn’t going to do much of anything.

Also, if you have an enclosure there is a safety lock that turns off the laser if the door is open (or the sensor isn’t working properly/out of alignment)


The power shouldn’t be set to 5%. Plus, even with it set to 5 the laser should still be visible. It’s not at all. In the processes, I’m setting the laser’s power to 90% and 100%, respectfully. So, something isn’t going right in the transition over from the G-Code generation to the workstation.


(PS Edit: I don’t have the enclosure yet)